Be careful what you wish for because it probably won't come true and life is all about expectation management.
— gloriouslypurposed Report User
Absolute mad lad 15 comments
· 5 years ago
as soon as the ants build cities, a internet and sent ships into space I'd be willing to ask them. which would be moot, since we did not create ants.
- Nobody giving Odin any heat 3 comments
· 5 years ago
also two total goth children and a labrador, so who exactly got adopted?
This ain't Twitter but this ain't no side for Memes anymore either 11 comments
· 5 years ago
there is no reason to call someone that. ever. and the guest obviously really did hit a nerve or you wouldn't be so violently foul mouthed.
When grandma thinks I can do better 5 comments
Donald f**king Trump 25 comments
· 6 years ago
I imagine it hard to stand with someone who has no spine. Also no brain. And no heart.
Love 5 comments
· 6 years ago
Or don't be an idiot and ask if she meant the movie or something else. It's not a secret that there is a movie with that name
Witty replies 10 comments
Please be true 19 comments
· 6 years ago
the more I read of your comments the creepier and more rape-y you sound
Give em all a big OOF 13 comments
Heard they like bad boys 3 comments
It's only fair 5 comments
Plotting the attack, one wrong move...You're dead! 1 comments
· 6 years ago
I mistook the ear of the first cat as the grin of the second cat and was truly frightened by the little demon for a second
Desert loop in Dubai 5 comments
Snuggeling kittens 7 comments
If only 4 comments
· 6 years ago
Sakrileg. Ungläubiger. Wie kannst du es wagen? Warmes Bier gehört standrechtlich erschossen.
No. Warm beer is an abomination, how dare you?
No. Warm beer is an abomination, how dare you?
Tree kangaroos 4 comments
· 6 years ago
Have you any idea how many people are killed every year by drop bears? They are the no. 1 cause of death for australians. My brother was attacked last year and he barely made it out alive. His face was all torn up.