

Ahem. Yes, it is I, Gerard Francois Dickpickles. Don't question it, just let it happen...

— GerardFDickpickles Report User
cinderella vs. snow white...bailiff? hold my gum!! 1 comments
gerardfdickpickles · 8 years ago
Why the hell does Willam translate so well? It's like they slapped a wig on her, dropped her on set and just filmed what happened...
This is the real proof of evolution. No intelligent creator would create bats and horses 24 comments
gerardfdickpickles · 8 years ago
And again thank you; I should clarify that my comment wasn't really personal but also in regards to all who use the "you can't know the mind of God" as an argument for the illogical, absurd and completely false information that someone with half a brain could figure out as a lie. It's also the reasoning behind a lot of religious extremism.
Edit: on that note, good night, it is 3 in the morning, and we'll see if my apathy won't take over in the morning and let me let the argument die ;)
· Edited 8 years ago
This is the real proof of evolution. No intelligent creator would create bats and horses 24 comments
gerardfdickpickles · 8 years ago
Thank you for (on the whole) agreeing with me, but may I point out how patronising it is to say that I can't look at all the evidence for something (that if God created the creatures by design, he did so incredibly meticulously and with such detail) against another, completely illogical action (leaving the useless legs on a whale or hell, even the little toes on humans) and say it's utter bullshit because "I can't claim to know the mind of God".
This is the real proof of evolution. No intelligent creator would create bats and horses 24 comments
gerardfdickpickles · 8 years ago
Well, what of vestigial organs? Like the leg bones on a whale? Would a creator so dedicated to making sure that all the details of an organ, eg a human eye, functioned just so, and then turn around, adjust the skeleton of a mammal into a functional sea creature, stare at the legs and think "pffft, they can stay..."
Here is your muslim speaking out 37 comments
gerardfdickpickles · 8 years ago
Let's simplify the text;
1) "Stop condemning me for my religion and sexuality!"
2) "Fuck you, Christians, Atheists and Muslims! You all persecuted me! You're my enemies!"
Good sentiment. Bad delivery.
Epic 4 comments
gerardfdickpickles · 9 years ago
Time to turn on the windscreen wipers...
Pearls in an oyster 19 comments
gerardfdickpickles · 9 years ago
Hi! If you managed to get a wild pearl, I have to say it probably won't sell as much as the ones raised in captivity. This is based on
1. The thing that nucleated the oyster probably wasn't perfectly round, resulting in a pearl that is not perfectly round. This decreases value because humans like round pearls.
2. Luster probably also isn't great. We like pearls that are shiny (lustrous). We breed oysters that make shiny pearls. Mother Nature doesn't give shit about shiny pearls, so not all mollusks make shiny pearls, resulting in a lower chance of getting an arbitrarily 'better' pearl.
3. Size. The first 'thing' that irritated the oyster to make a pearl can also be relatively large when inserted, making a larger pearl. This probably won't happen in the wild.
However, all this being said, there are still 'oops' pearls in the industry. The wild pearl might be better than 'oops' pearls.
Pearls in an oyster 19 comments
gerardfdickpickles · 9 years ago
They're cultured freshwater pearls. Each freshwater mollusk generally holds around 25-30 pearls. Cultured saltwater pearls generally only have one pearl per mollusk, which mostly explains the price discrepancy between the two broad types. There are also ways of removing pearls without killing the oyster. Most of the pearls seen today are cultured;wild ones are rare, and when seen, aren't generally considered to be 'good quality' by a variety of factors (shape, size, luster, etc). I could go on, but that would make this comment really monstrous. Info brought to you by a pearl lover!
A garter belt... For your dress shirt 15 comments
gerardfdickpickles · 9 years ago
"Consistently delicious" now someone put that on a shirt.
I want to be a child again.. 11 comments
gerardfdickpickles · 9 years ago
That's called giving the little shit what he deserves.
Old woman remembers her husband 10 comments
gerardfdickpickles · 9 years ago
@captain -pics or it didn't happen
@Sakana- how could you betray me like this??
to all Hiddlestoners *nose bleeds* 17 comments
gerardfdickpickles · 9 years ago
If I had to guess, I'd say this is from the upcoming movie 'High Rise'. Beware, I hear it's fucked up.
to all Hiddlestoners *nose bleeds* 17 comments
gerardfdickpickles · 9 years ago
Nothing more fitting... Birthday suit for birthdays.
Old woman remembers her husband 10 comments
gerardfdickpickles · 9 years ago
Oh the usual, just tryna find my very own guy with 'a lovely great big penis' and knows how to use it.... How bout you?
Old woman remembers her husband 10 comments
gerardfdickpickles · 9 years ago
Whoa there grandma.... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
sometimes art just... 8 comments
gerardfdickpickles · 9 years ago
...Is he grabbing her by the neck?
Oh salad, why you so funny? x 3 comments
gerardfdickpickles · 9 years ago
The salad is stalling its imminent death.
New deadpool poster 11 comments
gerardfdickpickles · 9 years ago
I'll bet that's not the only thing he's packing...
If anyone needs help, don't be afraid to reach out. There is always help. 23 comments
gerardfdickpickles · 9 years ago
Thank you for your highly informative and useful input.
Did you know that, uhm... 13 comments
gerardfdickpickles · 9 years ago
He gets it 4 comments
gerardfdickpickles · 9 years ago
That's a duck 6 comments
gerardfdickpickles · 9 years ago
Thank you, evolution
You may be offended 274 comments
gerardfdickpickles · 9 years ago
Well, there are also anomalies like Klinefelter's syndrome, where the person has XXY chromosomes, meaning they could legitimately identify as male or female.
What... What the f**k is this? 12 comments
gerardfdickpickles · 9 years ago
If you didn't know this, well now you do 6 comments
gerardfdickpickles · 9 years ago
Well shit that's a load of electrons