


— GeekyGirl01 Report User
Good Lord 23 comments
geekygirl01 · 10 years ago
Exactly 35 days
Soul mates 129 comments
geekygirl01 · 10 years ago
Where this came from
A friend of mine wears a jacket all the time to hide scars from surgery. Most people think we are soul mates because I have the same scars from surgery. We were the same home room when we heard a friend of ours died in a car crash, I laid my head on his shoulder and started to cry with him.
A kid who is dubbed the "match maker" said " finally ***** and **** are going out."
This is just plain sad 27 comments
geekygirl01 · 10 years ago
Soul mates 129 comments
geekygirl01 · 10 years ago
When we first met last year She told me her clock has 1 year 1 day an 1 minuet left. I was always nervous about mine and couldn't tell her that mine was the exact time as hers. That next year we were in the same home room. When 1 minute came a started to count down the seconds "stop looking at my wrist," she said
" I'm not," I replied
She rested her head on my shoulder as we held our wrist together. When they started beeping and fell off the entire class looked at us. After that we kissed. My clock was totally right.
Let's put this anti-vaccine crusade to an end once and for all 86 comments
geekygirl01 · 10 years ago
Hello to the people who think vaccinating children is wrong lets here a story
Sally parents don't ever get he vaccinated for the flu. Sally has a friend who has a immune disorder and has trouble with a cold. Sally gets the flu but doesn't know it yet. Sally goes to school. Sally pass the flu to her friend. Sally friend gets very sick and dies. Why does Sally friend die? Because Sally was not vaccinated.
Yes I know you can still get the flu being vaccinated but there is less of a chance lowering the chance of death of others.
Since bullying 45 comments
geekygirl01 · 10 years ago
(1995-2013) he tried his worst bully got off with a good job
Since bullying 45 comments
geekygirl01 · 10 years ago
Pink shirt day saved a friend of mines life he was on the Verge of suicide and I was the only person who knew. I went to the school nothing happened. We got all of my friend to wear a pink shirt on pink shirt day that week and another friend of mine told a popular friend and he spread it. Almost everyone in our classes (except the bullies) wore a pink shirt. Seeing people care about him kept him from committing suicide that weekend. so yeah I guess wearing a pink shirt has no effect on anybody except saving a life.
Loki out 5 comments
geekygirl01 · 11 years ago
I was telling this to my dad (a geek) and my mom asks who is Loki
science adopted 33 comments
geekygirl01 · 11 years ago
Both my parents have brown eyes and I have gray (I am not adopted)
Comment The Rudest Thing Anybody Has Ever Said To You ♥ 294 comments
geekygirl01 · 11 years ago
In my religion eating chicken on Fridays in March is a total taboo so guess what we had today at lunch crispy chicken sandwich. So this girl overheard me telling a friend of mine about it. She went over to me and said "eat it you bitch we'll now kill yourself
Tied with this is a friend of
Mine are diagnosed with the same mental disorder (he was diagnosed yesterday) today he was show teachers a note about it. The teacher mentions my name. A guy who sits by the teacher heard that went over to us said " talk you weirdo freaks oh are you going to start shaking do you want me to talk to you,"
sorry the long comment
makin my way to hell 11 comments
geekygirl01 · 11 years ago
The lines in the song I am listing to when I read this "the path to heaven run through miles of clouded hell"
Can't find a pair 38 comments
geekygirl01 · 11 years ago
My art class in a nutshell
Bad idea 3 comments
geekygirl01 · 11 years ago
I did that it landed where I live now
Boston, because #%@& you 4 comments
geekygirl01 · 11 years ago
I found this show a few years ago,
Badass Pink 18 comments
geekygirl01 · 11 years ago
Support pink shirt day wear a pink shirt Wednesday February 26, 2014
How my friend got tipped yesterday 3 comments
geekygirl01 · 11 years ago
Or you can do it In a sink so you don't get wet (make sure there is a plug)
A brief history of the gods 7 comments
geekygirl01 · 11 years ago
Between the Greek/Roman god and Christianity they need the Noris gods (Thor)
True Story 10 comments
geekygirl01 · 11 years ago
I had a like this next to me
If you're going to use that logic, we're all off to Africa. 17 comments
geekygirl01 · 11 years ago
When you are torn from your home forced into a acre by acre land then have your children striped of you renamed and taught that everything that you learned so far in life is wrong. Then multitudes are killed till there is just a sliver of you left, then you can say that. Sorry for sucky grammer
Boston, because #%@& you 4 comments
geekygirl01 · 11 years ago
All you have to do is follow the red brick road
I feel like a lonely lonely minority 11 comments
geekygirl01 · 11 years ago
Me when the days are cold and the cards all fold
I feel like a lonely lonely minority 11 comments
geekygirl01 · 11 years ago
Me: when the days are cold and the cards all fold
Just hanging around 3 comments
geekygirl01 · 11 years ago
Cuteness overload
Democracy with mythbusters 2 comments
geekygirl01 · 11 years ago
America is not a democracy it's a Democratic-Republic
How the world sees the UK 79 comments
geekygirl01 · 11 years ago
Sorry I'm the person who commented about the welsh