And then they’ll blame it on Democrats 1 comments
· 21 weeks ago
Democrats will bomb polling places and the media call call it 'Mostly Peaceful"
They're basically indistinguishable 2 comments
· 47 weeks ago
Democrats: Murder Children, Sexually Abuse Children, Marxist Authoritarianism, Steal from those who work for a living.
Bone apple tit 2 comments
Day 47 of Community Notes posting 1 comments
· 1 year ago
Its not even using the same amounts. In fact if both used the 16 kg the beef would feed 32 people while the grain only fed 20, so the beef is superior.
Dresden was 100% a military target, and I’m tired of people saying it isn’t 2 comments
· 1 year ago
Was it a military target, yes. But it was bombed (Feb. 13-15 1945) less than two months before the end of the war in Europe (May 8) and thus is considered by many to have been necessary.
The US contribution of WWII 1 comments
· 1 year ago
Who the heck says the USA didn't do anything in World War Two? Every American movie and TV show claims they did it all by themselves.
Checkmate fanboys 1 comments
· 1 year ago
Even if he was there he was only 4-8 years old, so I imaging he did very little
Field Guns, anyone? 6 comments
· 1 year ago
As for my favorite, always liked the British QF-25pdr (84.6mm). It was supplies with a circular firing platform that meant that it could fire in any direction.
Field Guns, anyone? 6 comments
· 1 year ago
I am pretty sure that is a British QF_17pdr (76.2mm) Anti-Tank Gun, the only gun of the western allies that could take out a Tiger Tank at long range
Yeah actually....Why...? 1 comments
· 1 year ago
Simple, almost any girl can become a Sl*t. However or a guy to become a Stud he has to be tall, fit, making a good living, have a nice car, and be confident. The exception to this rule is if your rich or famous.
Attrition at its finest *muah* 1 comments
USA - rocket, Germany - rocket, Britain - ...... A big spring? 3 comments
· 1 year ago
The PIAT was very popular with its users, and there was no back blast so could be used in confined spaces
Ik the USSR wasn’t just Russia 1 comments
· 1 year ago
Actually life before Communism and life under it (until 1940) was actually better. There were (maybe) a few thousand political prisoners, not millions under Stalin. Only a few violent revolutionaries were killed, afterwards tens of millions were killed or sent to slave labor camps where most died. Lenin was only sent into exile to his home city for his activities, while still running his revolutionary newspaper. Descriptions of Czarist prison camps are like a holiday camp compared to the Soviet Gulag. In Czarist Russia, there was more than enough food, except for the very poor and local famines. After there were major famines, some artificial, that killed millions.
Edited 1 year ago
I'know and I'wish I'don't 1 comments
· 1 year ago
The Minions movie explained this. The were stuck in a cave between having badly served Napoleon and 1968.
Lots of weird flexes going around 9 comments
· 1 year ago
Cowboys are not, by definition, thugs or otherwise criminals. They are agricultural laborers. They are no more criminals than those who harvest crops.
Leif Erikson was the OG 3 comments
· 1 year ago
Erikson was the first European visitor but had no real effect on anything. Columbus permanently brought together the Old and New Worlds and caused massive world wide changes. "Discovered" does not explain what Columbus did, but its a useful shorthand.
Apparently the question of when exactly Italy abolished slavery is almost as complicated 3 comments
· 2 years ago
The question of slavery ending in England is a bit more complicated. There was no law specifically allowing slavery in England and in 1772 a judge basically declared slavery illegal inside England. The slave trade was declared illegal in 1807, and was finally abolished in British Colonies in 1834.
Russia will always Russia 4 comments
· 2 years ago
The Soviet Gulags were hundreds of times worse than the Tsarists prisons. Been reading Gulag Archipelago and he compares them
We don’t have a colony on Mars because some king wanted a side piece 1 comments
· 2 years ago
Where did you get this claim? The technologies of the Industrial Revolution didn't exist. The science didn't exist.
Bazinga 2 comments
native 10 comments
· 2 years ago
Meanwhile England: 2500 B.C, "This is Iberian (?) Land." to the Beaker People. 500 B.C. "This is Beaker People Land." to the Celts. 46 A.D. this is Celtic Land." to the Romans. 500 A.D. "This is Roman Land (sort of)." to the Anglo Saxons. 800 A.D. "This is Anglo Saxon Land." to the Danes (NE England). 1066 A.D. "This is Danish / Anglo Saxon Land.", to the Normans.
Perfectly balanced as all thing should be 6 comments