You’re bad at the game 2 comments
· 1 year ago
Why would you be salty if you win?
Mid nineties internet was really nice 11 comments
· 1 year ago
The biggest flaw to this view is the fact that there's a lot more to the internet than mainstream social media websites.
Not that my parents did that but at least I didn't have to 4 comments
· 1 year ago
"Wah wah, I have to work for things."
That's you.
That's what you sound like.
Edited 1 year ago
That's you.
That's what you sound like.
$44 Billion well spent 1 comments
· 1 year ago
Well, nintendoofus's voice is certainly empowered.
Also, is twitter actually dying or what? Everyone seems to think that Elon's destroying it, but everyone still seems to be using it.
Also, is twitter actually dying or what? Everyone seems to think that Elon's destroying it, but everyone still seems to be using it.
Yeah 4 comments
· 1 year ago
Well, they're separate because they're two different organizations meant to serve two different purposes, so sort of.
This is for you, you know who you are 5 comments
· 1 year ago
Depends on the bad. Guilt is the dangerous one, but even that is probably appropriate in small doses.
Fact check: true 6 comments
· 1 year ago
-"So you won't tell a therapist, unless they are your very best buddy"
I would likely never tell a friend I had who was a therapist, and any therapist friend I had would know that. That said, none of my friends are therapists, so who knows.
-"Opening up to a total stranger is ... beneficial to your mental (and thus physical!) health"
Don't care, not gonna. Go fuck yourself.
-"opening up to someone - anyone - means acceptance of something bad happening to you, out of your control"
What retardation suggests that I have to talk to someone to accept something happened? When is that ever the case? I took a shit a few hours ago and didn't tell anyone about it, yet somehow I can accept that it happened.
-"What you two are describing is textbook toxic masculinity."
I have zero interest in whatever woke nu-speak you label it as, that's one of the least effective ways to change my mind on anything.
I would likely never tell a friend I had who was a therapist, and any therapist friend I had would know that. That said, none of my friends are therapists, so who knows.
-"Opening up to a total stranger is ... beneficial to your mental (and thus physical!) health"
Don't care, not gonna. Go fuck yourself.
-"opening up to someone - anyone - means acceptance of something bad happening to you, out of your control"
What retardation suggests that I have to talk to someone to accept something happened? When is that ever the case? I took a shit a few hours ago and didn't tell anyone about it, yet somehow I can accept that it happened.
-"What you two are describing is textbook toxic masculinity."
I have zero interest in whatever woke nu-speak you label it as, that's one of the least effective ways to change my mind on anything.
Fact check: true 6 comments
· 1 year ago
Yeah, we don't want to emote all over people because we don't really like being emoted all over ourselves.
Our problems are our own and we want to deal with them ourselves if we can, and if going on a camping trip or a cocaine bender is what does the trick, then so be it.
You don't get to know all the details of my life just because you think talking about shit is good/healthy/whatever.
Our problems are our own and we want to deal with them ourselves if we can, and if going on a camping trip or a cocaine bender is what does the trick, then so be it.
You don't get to know all the details of my life just because you think talking about shit is good/healthy/whatever.
I mean .. yeah same. 1 comments
socrates 1 comments
· 1 year ago
Or, it means they accepted the guilty result of the trial and made the vote for or against execution based on an assumption of guilt.
I guess I cared enough to make a meme about it 4 comments
· 2 years ago
And yet you took the time to make and post an image meant to bring attention to your lack of interest...