Yeah, but without it she'd have triplets! 18 comments
· 3 years ago
And yes, I actually like him as a person, even though we disagree he's reminds me of myself; he's just as stubborn and has the balls to defend it.
Edited 3 years ago
Yeah, but without it she'd have triplets! 18 comments
· 3 years ago
let @happy_frog deal with frogs, let us adults debate. I agree with up to a point, when it impacts others. I can go to Hawaii, make base camp with my dude I know and just chill away for months; no bugs, easy fruit, practice arrow shots on birds, draw/paint... but I gotta get on a plane to get there, so i'll need to be sleep deprived so i can snooze through the flight; which will also make me look drunk going thru TSA (I'm always drunk going through TSA.. so, eh). The flight back they won't know me so i'd eat an edible like 30 min before.
Man with a plan.
Man with a plan.
The government is a pawn of Big Road 71 comments
· 3 years ago
No. It's not. Countless times generals have forced vaccines upon soldiers either to get it and treat it or have them die and be burned. The moment it could be done with a needle the entire fucking world celebrated. The government has conspiracies, no argument there. I've seen what happens when an entirely family has it. It's not pretty, and the immuno-compromised die; at least they can die swift.
The government is a pawn of Big Road 71 comments
The Mighty Predator [Red Panda vs a pumpkin or squash or something] 2 comments
· 3 years ago
i want a companion red panda; they either really enjoy it hot or real cold, do random shit, and do the anteater stance..
Yeah, but without it she'd have triplets! 18 comments
· 3 years ago
or just antagonizing to be a troll? I like you as a person, just some of your beliefs are destructive. Even just trolling you might get idiots hurt; you know this.
Yeah, but without it she'd have triplets! 18 comments
Covid and the bullshit factory 19 comments
· 3 years ago
people are inherently good or evil in the eyes of the beholder.. we all have our flaws, we all make mistakes... unless you're a sociopath or a psychopath you don't tend to give the person the benefit of the doubt to show they can make amends.
Covid and the bullshit factory 19 comments
· 3 years ago
shrooms ftw! In all seriousnesss, in his defense all he does is try and help; not mind control you. Don't make me go back to Washington or WW2 to prove my points; yes there are counters, but a fucking mask ain't agent orange or the cia slowly dosing you with lsd.
I'm going to bed. No, I'm going to hit some guests... 10 comments
· 3 years ago
And I don't mean time zones, it becomes more pronounced the farther away from the observer you become, it was a weird thing on the first few Apollo missions and it screwed with timing.
I'm going to bed. No, I'm going to hit some guests... 10 comments
· 3 years ago
Ty for the compliment and for being able to grasp my point, I was drunk when I typed that (pretty much drunk anytime i type anyway), but it's high concept and most people don't realize how spacetime works at such a small scale so they'll just be like "dafuq"
Help me out guys, any ideas? 13 comments
· 3 years ago
I tried it with two, ended up with them both in bed with me. I felt like Costanza, lord of the idiots, when he tries to get rid of a gf by cheating on her only for them to both agree they can both have him and he's just like... "fml"
I'm going to bed. No, I'm going to hit some guests... 10 comments
· 3 years ago
it's def possible to travel forward in time, people do it in airplanes everyday. Yeah it's like fractions of fractions of a second, but if you've been on an airplane you've technically time traveled. For it to have any significance would require more energy than the known universe or anti-matter or possibly capturing virtual particles (a real phenomena in a pure vacuum)
I'm going to bed. No, I'm going to hit some guests... 10 comments
· 3 years ago
that's why you build the portal to the other portal, so displacement doesn't matter, duh. Or they became mom's spaghetti monsters in transit.
La Cegua [MythologicalSubstance] 2 comments
· 3 years ago
omfg it's too early for me to lose my shit laughing that hard. I woke up 25 min ago :x
SW Day 23 3 comments
Froggo Fun R #30 - Doggo Gripped by Parasitic Froggo 5 comments
· 3 years ago
I want a shiba so bad, but I know how difficult the training would be and i'd get lazy and that is unfair to the shiba, so I don't do it.