lil skiing pic i took 7 comments
· 3 years ago
don't hit a tree.
Union of Soviet Starving Republicans 8 comments
· 3 years ago
There are so many phycological reasons for things; like the way the layout of a store is, and why they change it every few years. Why certain items are placed at the entrances, why the electronics and toys are in the back, why jewelry is placed next to the women's clothes area, why malls are designed to try and make you lost... and that's just grocery stores, malls, and wal-mart.
Just a bit scratched 6 comments
· 3 years ago
please be a background and not the actual screen, cuz that would end in lacerated fingers.
Those were different times 1 comments
· 3 years ago
only 6? I turned that shit off like 3 days after I got my OG iphone, which was like..... early 2007? I had it in HS and I graduated in 07 so... 15 years for me?
What's that feeling? 4 comments
Believe in the Tree 5 comments
· 3 years ago
another fun fact, the great lakes were also formed by this event, and the area under them and around them, the crust of the earth is still rebounding, which just shows you how huge those ice sheets were; it's estimated sea levels rose 250-300 ft due to the melting,.
Believe in the Tree 5 comments
· 3 years ago
It was more like a slow flood for most of the world, but the Straits of Gibraltar collapsed under pressure from the Atlantic (it used to be a land bridge), and the Mediterranean flooded quite swiftly. This happened during the thawing of the last ice age, so this tree probably wasn't around. It also brought in massive amounts of silt and sand into the the Mediterranean, so who knows what we'll find down there once we can look under.
Tag yourself, I'm the clone 2 comments
· 3 years ago
I was a combo of smart kid and class clown. I couldn't help making silly puns while mid-debate with most my teachers. The rest of the time i'd just sleep. Back then i'd just read the textbooks a week in advance and play out debates in my sleep... and i'd rest my head on the particular textbook for the class. I have no idea why it works, but it helps your dreams focus on that particular subject. Very strange phenomenon... Prolly because it's uncomfortable and you know it's that book making it uncomfortable, so you just think about it subconsciously. At least, that's my hypothesis.
SW Day 20 6 comments
· 3 years ago
Pretty sure they will, but they had to explain how badass the why; It would seem gratuitous in the sense... "oh look it's boba being a badass" without any explaining the why. repetition like his ass being kicked. He's finally healed now; and that is scary... he went toe to toe with Luke; never forget that.
Edited 3 years ago
SW Day 20 6 comments
· 3 years ago
watch episode 4,what happens finally explains everything... and what the fuck he's doing. The way that grenade goes off.. lmfao... that was a personal "fuck you" to the sarlacc pit and he's only mad he wasn't the one who tossed it.
SW Day 20 6 comments
· 3 years ago
The fact Moon Knight is going to be the first Disney character to drop F-bombs under their logo (when Disney owned Miramax they did it all time) makes me so happy. You can't do Moon Knight without dropping a few "what the fucks"
It's the final countdown! 12 comments
Still friends 6 comments
· 3 years ago
I'm pasty myself, but goddamn... give him 3 more seconds and in a few hours he'll have the worst sunburn you've ever seen.