Teachers grading papers 13 comments
· 3 years ago
And then a ask the language teacher how to communicate the resulting consensus.
Teachers grading papers 13 comments
· 3 years ago
The fact teachers keep going is incredible. Even as a student, when our teachers would have us grade the paper of the person behind us (the teacher needs a break, c'mon, let em have one night of fun)... I saw some of the stupidest shit imaginable. Granted, after I got my A and knew so I'd start drawing dinosaurs and spiderman in random places. Idk what it is about spiderman, I suck at drawing full humans usually, but spiderman, nah... it's so easy.
Stand up straight and hold in your testicles [life advice from inspirobot] 5 comments
· 3 years ago
That's actually good advice on the testicles and hard drugs; chances are something bad is going to happen to or with them one way or another.
Would you party with these guys? 5 comments
Yes this is true 7 comments
· 3 years ago
but what about the rest of the bodies? Prolly cold by now, can't use for warmth.
Hans! Put the donuts down! 3 comments
People should strive to be as good as rats 30 comments
· 3 years ago
then there's also the whole rat squid game thing where the ones that survived were the ones that hid the longest.
I suggest it, too 18 comments
Oh ur butthole flares? 7 comments
Picture this: there was a package leftover from all that banging outside the front door 7 comments
· 3 years ago
SO I UNLOAD MY GUN... into the sky so I'm a nice guy cuz I'm so giving you a warning bitch it's down to 3 and then pointed at you you'll have to pee and a golden waterfall will stream while I scream... then i found out she has a daughter who is a cop son... SO I PULL OUT MY GUN..
The 60's were a wild time. 10 comments
· 3 years ago
Either you understood my point, or you didn't. Fuck a time period, trust me... my point stands.
The 60's were a wild time. 10 comments
· 3 years ago
So I l look like I'm from that time period? I'm sure if tough does not protest my lady elected; surely she will. That's, and this is funny part, the worst argument ever. You'd' probably find a press the work of the devil if you applied the same goddamn logic.
Picture this: there was a package leftover from all that banging outside the front door 7 comments
· 3 years ago
my porch, get off my porch right now, I'ma shoot you in crotch if you don't get off my porch right now... then I pulled out my gun!
Sending friends messages at 2am 8 comments
Spitting bars 5 comments
pen*s now intact 7 comments
· 3 years ago
cuz you can totally just shit out an appendix. In all honesty that would be so fucked up I'd have to watch lol
Day 2 and I'm already over it 4 comments
Seriously! What's wrong with them? 12 comments
Also applies to pp 6 comments
· 3 years ago
big boobs can also be bad when they sag. there's a stasis. Achieve the stasis and hell yeah, big.
A tad late but relevant 20 comments