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· 11 years ago
a man listens to some of his sons music while going to the shop. he enters the jewellery shop to get a gold ring , + an employee walks over and says "may i help you?" he looks down at the ipod + sings "you and i, you and i" the women blushes and says "are you.. are you asking me out?" the man sings "we're like diamonds in the sky" the woman blushes again + hugs him. the poor man wonders whats going on + sings "while you hold me, im still alive, we're like diamonds in the sky" the woman hugs him more + takes him out to a park bench. she says "okay, but you need to know what your getting" as she removes her wig from her head + drops it on the ground "i shaved my head, i hate having real hair, too much fuss" the man looks in shock + sings "SHINE BRIGHT LIKE A DIAMOND" ultra loudly as her bald head shines in the sunlight. he removes his earphones + she kisses him , + says "if you cant take me,then bye." he wonder what just happened.... while he joyously celebrates that a girl kissed him...
· 11 years ago
Once my friends phone went off in science and the ringtone was that song and the teacher slammed his hands down and yelled " If you don't turn off your device I will take it away and for the last tiME DIAMONDS DON'T SHINE THEY REFLECT!!" And I gave him a standing ovation.
· 11 years ago
That was so perfect..
· 11 years ago
Why did the teacher cry
· 11 years ago
Because of his ADDITUDE....
· 11 years ago
I used to love this song, what's it called?
· 11 years ago
written in the stars