There was a post similar to this ( ) so I'm gonna say again what I commented on there: aww! But I hate those kinds of parents! My friend has eczema, and a mom in safeway pulled away her daughter when we walked past. She then told her kid to stay away because "we don't go near yucky people or we could get yucky too!" So I went up to her and calmly told her that it wasn't my friends fault, it was genetic, and it's not contagious. "I don't go near rude people or it might make me rude too."
Edited 11 years ago
· 11 years ago
God I hate when people stereotype other people when they really don't know who they are inside
I never wanted to hurt someone so badly. I wanted to tell her off then punch her in her face so I could ruin her make up and get blood all over her pretty little church dress...
Dear Aubrey,
i am calling you on your bullshit lie. You are a liar. That never happened, you just wanted something to whine about and bitch and moan about christians. If you need to lie to feel good, either learn to lie so you're less obvious or consider a short drop with a quick stop. People like you are fucking worthless to any society.
How do you know? If you are talking about AUDREY, not Aubrey, then you guest, I shall personally through in the pit of doom. WITH EXTRA LEGOS! How dare you accuse someone of lying when you have no fricking way of knowing that!? If you need to bully people just to get attention, then you deserve having Justin Bieber sing to you for the rest of your miserable life. People like YOU piss me off. Audrey wasn't even insulting Christians, just those bitchy people who remind me of a certain guest above. -.-
Thank you, Cookiejar. That did, indeed, happen and like you mentioned, how the hell would they know if it was or wasn't true? I'm not going to sit here and try to justify myself either because people like that are impossible to reason with. The uneducated swine didn't even get my name right... Fuck you, guest.
i am calling you on your bullshit lie. You are a liar. That never happened, you just wanted something to whine about and bitch and moan about christians. If you need to lie to feel good, either learn to lie so you're less obvious or consider a short drop with a quick stop. People like you are fucking worthless to any society.