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· 11 years ago
You see that big pipe with the wheel on it that's dividing the toilet and sink? That's the pipe and wheel you're going to forget about and hit your knee on when you've done a pee at 3am and turn around to wash your hands. That's the pipe and wheel that's going to have towels hanging off it two weeks after you move in because it's just there and on top of the towels will be a paperback book or magazine that someone is keeping there to read next time they poop. That's the pipe and wheel your wife is going to ask to be removed because it's in the way all the time and you're going to say "but it's a feature!" even though you've got a permanently bruised left knee and you keep losing your place in the book you're reading because your family keep drying their hands.
· 11 years ago
Good sir, I just hit the thumbs up twice on your comment
· 11 years ago
All the stairs would suck though