''There is still good in this world, and it's worth fighting for."
11 years ago by deleted · 2559 Likes · 12 comments · Popular
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· 11 years ago
You never know whose life you will touch when you let your hearts passion flow, but you can't do that if you end your life. That person who may need your smile, handshake, hug, compliment, listening ear, song you wrote, picture you drew, or time, won't have it because you are no longer here. I just wanted to encourage anyone who is feeling down to hang in there. The world needs good people to keep fighting through all the pain and misery and lift others up. I love you guys.
Edited 11 years ago
· 11 years ago
And i love you to random stranger
· 11 years ago
Again, another inspiring person on FS I swear we are the nicest site ever.
· 11 years ago
this post made me smile. mind if i use this saying? it's really touching
· 11 years ago
Thanks for this post. More people need to hear this.
· 11 years ago
Suicide doesn't make your life better, it makes everyone else's life worse.
· 11 years ago
Suicide doesn't end your pain it just transfers it to your whole family and friends.
· 11 years ago
And God
· 11 years ago
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahaha good one.
· 11 years ago
I think I found an atheist.
· 10 years ago
You have no idea what pain it takes to make you want to just quit. Anyone can only take so much when it never ends or gets better you wear down. You hold on for as long as you can for the people you love but it's like holding all your weight without a break with no rest. You just simply get tired. You slowly just start to let go. You think that someone will notice but they don't. You pretend to be happy thinking it'll get better if you just deny it. You just want to be like everyone else. You want so much to smile and mean it. Everything stops shining. Food doesn't taste the same. Your baby starts to hurt. Sleep feels so good like you just go away for a while. All you want is to sleep because it's the only thing that doesn't hurt. Then you stop sleeping. Sleep comes just a few hours each day if you're lucky. Nightmares trouble the only thing you have left. You try to talk to someone they just use cliches. They just can't understand what the pain is. The end isn't scary anymore. lifeis
· 10 years ago
Hey skittles, I don't know if you are talking about how you feel currently or in the past. But if you need anyone to talk to, I'm here, along with I'm sure many of the fs community.