A handy guide to people on public transport
11 years ago by zackboi · 2044 Likes · 5 comments · Popular
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· 11 years ago
this would make a nice bag actually
· 11 years ago
I know that it's impolite, but until there isn't anywhere else to sit and someone asks me to move my bag, I won't, because quite frankly, sitting next to strangers makes me uncomfortable, and one too many times people have just come up and sat by me when there are empty seats. :/
· 11 years ago
get the fuck over yourself and get a car then.
· 11 years ago
I can't drive, thanks, though for making assumptions about what I can afford and what I can do. *thumbs up* People can sit somewhere the fuck else or ask to sit next to me, it's polite anyway.
· 11 years ago
I understand what they're saying, but missraven has a point, I don't like random strangers sitting next me, especially when there are other empty seats. Plus, I sometimes I have to carry around A LOT of stuff for school, and my bag gets really heavy. So, it's easier for me to pick it up from the seat beside me, than from off the floor.