abstermonk is literally my username for everything but how I got it is my older brother used to call me abster (my name is Abby) and monkeys are my favorite animal.
My last name is Eglinton and my sister got called Egg at school 'cause there were too many people with her name or something and I'm younger than her, so I'm miniegg :) yay...
I was studying the strait of Gibraltar in history and I wanted to see NSFW so I just typed in the first thing that came to my head
· 11 years ago
It means wolverine in Japanese. Wolverine is my favorite marvel character, and I like the Japanese culture.
· 11 years ago
CRF is a type of dirt bike I wanted in high school. Been my username on just about everything since even though I've had a CRF since just after graduation.
The alias I fight under is Tripod-pop. I couldn't use the '-' symbol for some sites, cannot remember if I could in this one... or if I even tried. The 'pop' is, in essence a surname, as I am a blackfoot lemur. There is more to that story, but that is for another time.
Tripod is a dude with a third leg in between his other two (if you know what I mean) and the hyphen pop has to do with his fight name. Did I clear it up lace?
Or whatever you choose. I know an Angus, Shadow, Squck, Melkore, Buster, Green Bean, Quickie, Molestia, Qualms.... You choose how people know you, or they give you a fitting nickname.
He volunteered to make Pancakes for the group at an event. It rained for almost the entire event so at the next event, Squck named him Pancakes. I quote, 'So there will always be pancakes in Mordor.' Mordor was the camp we were in. I fight for the Army of Mordor.
Crash Bandicoot has always been my favourite video game series. My sister is also on here but she doesn't comment much so I speak for her when I say that her user name, Cocobandicoot, was as a joke because of my user name
Emc.99 was a name of a chemical in a game I really wanted to get a couple years back, but I forgot the name of the game. Also I really enjoy chemistry.
Mine has a typo, it was supposed to be 'partychickloljk' because a had been invited to a party for a acquaintance, and was trying to think of a way out of it...
You should take some advice and read the Malazan Book of the Fallen, give it a shot, anyway. I couldn't read the Sword of Truth, but this series I couldn't put down. Every book I have looked at after pales in comparison.
Enjoy what? Just because no other book can make me react the way I did with MBotF- laughing in one paragraph, then crying the next- does not mean that there aren't still books that I enjoy. I tried to read the sword of Truth before I read MBotF, by the way.
It's my part of my nick name. My family calls me Bri-Alex because my first name is Briana-Alexus. Then there's my last last name. It's also my twitter, tumblr, and Instagram name.
This was a name I used for laser tag about five years ago, I wish it was Wildflower or some band name because I like music and, truth be told, I actually like root beer better
does anybody know why everything is getting downvoted? i liked almost everything to get votes back up, but still i think people are abusing this privilege...
Well, my name is Pilar & there was this little girl who my friends mom used to take care of & she never knew how to say my name so she would say "Pikalar" & everyone started calling me that & I couldn't think of anything else to use as a User Name.
I don't really know, I was looking at penguins while listening to Lana Del Rey and I thought “Damn, this would be a good song to get high” and then I came up with 'highpenguin'
I worked on a huge (24"x18") drawing of an old dirty tea kettle. When I added the pastels, I decided to make it pink. I loved it so much that I made it my username.
Five years ago, I started calling myself Raven because whenever I played mafia I was the slasher and ravens are cooler than crows (by my 13-year-old me logic) and since I joined a website with people I know and talk to on a daily basis, it stuck. Miss because I'm a she, yo.
I have two accounts, one I got caught using by a concerned parent who (yes, did go through the site), so this is my secret one. I'll never tell who I really am!
Somebody should change their username to Kuzco and I'm pretty sure I saw someone called Yzma on here a while back so this could be like the emperors new groove: funsubstance edition
I'm called EpicChiken because my YouTube name is EpicChikenChronicles, because I used to want to go around the city in a chicken suit doing crazy stuff and putting it on YouTube. Now I just do it because it sounds funny.
It did hurt a bit, but then I got Funsubstance so now I'm okay. I like chatting to my minions over the web. So wait were you really asking me out? *trys to look attractive*
I think we all are. *ahem* mrssparklez *ahem* what?
I have work and all this stuff and I barely have time to go on. Besides, if my grades don't go up to 90s, I'll be history. It's been a nice few months.
Same here, haha. I'm such a loser. Whenever I'm on funsubstance when I know I have to get shit done, I always say "If I have time to be on funsubstance I have time to do homework" So that's why I'm not on like, 24/7 now.
I KNOW!!! I used to go on and have so much fun! But I'm kinda behind on piano and I have performances to do and exams... Cadets and school and FUCKING SATURDAY SCHOOL and music theory. All these subjects I have to be perfect at. Ugh
We'll anyway this is my last action here (I think) so uh bye satan and mrssparklez and pebbles and everyone else! :D have a great life and don't hurt yourselves in any way!
Er *one* of my middle names is Angoulimah, a mongolian name which I was given for my second birthday which I spent in mongolia, and years ago i was making this kiddy site account and wanted to use my name, but not my real name, so I'm like heck yeah angielima no one will ever know...worst thing wass that people PRONONCED it wrong. (fyi its not the same as angelina, angielima, it's like angie, lee, ma.)
Okay, I'm not logged in because my computer won't let me in, but my username is serosan. Anyways, my real name is Rony. I liked this game once and I put my real name in(real smart right!?). It was denied because it needed 5 letters instead of just four. So I added an s to it and made it Ronsy. While I was playing Skyrim, the one Dark Elf said to me: "How are you doing, sera?" and in that moment, I dropped the y in my name, replaced "sera" with "sero", and then dropped "ron" altogether. As for san, I love anime and decided to give myself an Japanese honorific and decided on san.
I've been a spectator since the school year began but I haven't made an account because I have issues with commitment.
for those of you who know
Do you have an eyepatch as well?
What's your story, btw?
I kinda regret it, I'm part of a different fandom now.
I am not_illuminati