Sorry but lip syncing and swearing on stage isn't nearly a a bad as grinding on a married man with hardly any clothes on in front of millions of people.
Plus she's not into drugs like Lindsay Lohan and Amanda Bynes. I would say she's doing pretty damn well compared to some others.
People it says "one of the few" so chill... They didn't say she's the only one
· 11 years ago
Okay 1st of all, I loved Lizzie Mcguire(I'm only 14 but my older bro really educated me on good tv). 2nd Selena did not lip sync it was an internet troll and so what if she swore? Ever watch Getaway? She swears in that movie. It's not a big deal? I mean she is 'old enough' to swear without it being extremely out of hand situatoion?
Plus she's not into drugs like Lindsay Lohan and Amanda Bynes. I would say she's doing pretty damn well compared to some others.