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· 11 years ago
But then you made my laugh.
· 11 years ago
Interesting... I think that those kids are doing the right things. There's nothing stopping anyone from being different
Edited 11 years ago
· 11 years ago
Did they let their children choose, or did they keep saying, "how about this dress? don't you want the dress??" until they felt pressured to choose clothing typically worn by the opposite gender?
Edited 11 years ago
· 11 years ago
I think Gwen's son is at a birthday party, so he picked that there, and Angie's daughter I don't know, I imagine a really laid back parenting style
· 11 years ago
Said it before, I'll say it again. Love that blondie's hair cut. It's adorable.
· 11 years ago
.......I couldn't tell what gender they were.... But then I read the descriptions.....
· 11 years ago
Am I wrong for thinking that Angelina could brush her kids hair FFS??
· 11 years ago
Everyone just look at Gwen's son'a shirt
· 11 years ago
I fear trying to pick up a girl if genders was too blended. Cause personally I only want to do things with girls. But if genders was blended too well it would be like Russian roulette trying to pick up a girl at a bar. Oh shes hot take her home and put your hand up her dress and you got ahold of a tree trunk. Well...shit. but first I would have to actually leave my house or talk to another person, so I'm not too worried about it.
· 11 years ago
I think by the time you are ready to play the old "grab the sausage/clam" game with someone, they would have definitely told you their gender identity. I mean, you tell people you are a man, along other things about yourself when you get to know someone, right? So relax. If you'd be uncomfortable touching them, chances are they wouldn't want you to touch them either.
· 5 years ago
No. You don’t usually tell someone you are a man... because it’s obvious. Which is the whole point of the comment. Stating your gender or sex if they are somehow different is not something that people do (have done in the past typically)
· 11 years ago
If human genders were meant to be blended, then there would have never been a difference between male and female. Whether you believe in Creationism or Evolution, some force of nature or design made the distinction, and it did so for a reason.
· 11 years ago
I don't think similarities between clothing and haircuts will bring about the apocalypse, my friend. Girls wear pants and boys use product- somehow the world keeps turning. There are bigger issues spinning around us then androgynous people :-)
· 11 years ago
You know nothing of gender identity, guest. And you're completely ignoring intersex people.
· 5 years ago
There is nothing to know about gender identity because it is arbitrary and irrelevant. If a person would like to be called something other than what they appear to be then fine. That is an agreement you can figure out with that individual.
· 11 years ago
What a nice repost
· 11 years ago
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