it made me who i am. an honorable man with respect for people and not a douche bag that gets everything handed to them and thinks the world owes them something
Yes, I do. My mother used to cook with the wooden spoons and my father held up his trousers with the belt (Not trying to offend anyone who actually was beaten. I am so sorry)
· 11 years ago
meh. don't be. it actually helps more than it hurts.
I'm sorry but it doesn't feel like the right way to raise your child for me. You have to learn manners being hit? I am feeling really sorry for everyone who had to live this, but the fact that you feel like this is the rigt way, it's what scares me the most. I consider myself a good person, I am honorable too as some of you say, I am polite, I know I have to fight for what I want. My parents taught me how to be a great person without ever hitting me, I've never had anything handed, I've never had everything I wanted when I wanted it, I had to deserve it, but I was never abused" by my parents. They made me who I am out of love and respect. I owe my parents everything, but my opinion is that the way to make a good person is not being a bad one.
I don't think you *have* to hit kids with these but when I was younger maybe once every few months the wooden spoon would come out when I'd done something really wrong and it scared me shitless and I'd never do it again, so it does work but so does other methods of parenting , i think it depends on the child's personality and how they think
· 11 years ago
Exactly I think a few people who are seeing this are assuming this was a daily punishment but it was saved for the really bad times that I deserved it.
Are you guys serious?
I never realized there was so much child abuse actually going on.
Like people were animals that needed pain to understand.
What century are we in if I may ask?
I got the spoon as a kid, but I don't blame my parents, they love me every much and I know that. My parents were just uneducated to a certain degree, that didn't make them bad people, they never beat me, just gave me a little smack.
Because good behaviour and respect shouldn't be taught like this...
· 11 years ago
Everyone has different ways of parenting, my parents used this method(to a certain extent) but ill have you know their had been issues in my family and I had to talk to the childrens aid in order for things to be clear all me and my four other siblings had to and we where never taken from our parents nor did they say anything about it.
I am not saying it should be taught that way. I will never beat my children, ever. But as a last resort i will pop them if they need it. not to hurt them but to let them know. and after that i will talk to them and explain why it happened. i do beleive children today do not get enough discipline. Just look at those kids that are going around and playing "the knockout game." that is the stupidest thing ever.
The problem is, most people who use these don't use it as a last resort and they especially don't explain anything. They just use it and order their kids around some more.
Thats when it has gone too far. But i grew up this way, i respect others and i know not to do things because if i did i something i wasnt supposed to then i would be punished. Punishment is not a bad thing. Abuse is a bad thing.
I never got hit because I'm the only child and if I got in trouble I would just get sent to my room and I'm grounded but that was fine by me because I have no friends anyway .-.
You can have a loving relationship with a healthy fear and respect for consequences, I had a great childhood and learned respect at the same time unlike the little shits nowadays
Newsflash: hitting your kids is bad parenting. It doesn't matter if your parents did it, it's still awful. Even if the child turns out okay, you're just teaching them to not get caught.
· 11 years ago
I can see where you would think that but as a child who went through it and also had a loving relationship with both parents it taught me that the real life had consequences for breaking the rules and me neither any of my sisters or brothers ever dared to repeat it.
I never realized there was so much child abuse actually going on.
Like people were animals that needed pain to understand.
What century are we in if I may ask?
So cute
So sad
So sad though :'( *sniff*