THANK GOD FOR AMY. When she suggested the switching sexulaities I was a bit scared, but she pulled it back. And next time, REMEMBER YOUR SON'S BIRTHDAY! She even forgot his 16th, good lord.
Ok. In 1 Corinthians 6: 9-10 it says "...those who indulge in sexual sin, or who worship idols, or commit adultery, or are male prostitutes, or practice homosexuality..." Read it and confirm that I'm not lying. (NLT) translation
Ah.. I read King James. Older version. I tend to try to look up what the original text means. As close to the original as possible. So far, I've found nothing. And honestly, as I can't help how I am, why would God punish me for how He made me?
I don't know why I'm the way that I am. I just know I never chose to be, there's nothing wrong with me, and that I should be happy as I am. I prayed for years for Him to take the feelings away. The only answer I've gotten is that He loves me, anyway.
Ahem. This isn't my argument and I'd love to just leave it to the two of you, but I feel it is my duty as a Christian to point this out.
I think you and I can both agree that God made Huma's Guide.
BUT the Bible was written by human men, from tales told through word of mouth for centuries. You can't take it word for word. Also, I looked up the exact part of the bible where it says that to try and find who exactly is saying it, and I found something interesting.
In the King James Version, not only does it say nothing about homosexuals, it does include drunkards. As a good old Christian Irishman, I'm deeply hurt, confused and offended.
I also believe all scripture is inerrant and God-inspired (meaning God told them what to write) not just word of mouth. As for the drinking part, well, i don't know I thought that was obvious. No offense.
Oh and in the KJV, it talks about those who won't inherit the kingdom of God. It says the effeminate won't. I looked up that word and it roughly meant a man who acts more like a woman (referring to being gay I believe) so I think the KJV does talk about homosexuals...
At the time that translation was first written, the culture looked down heavily on effeminate men. There is nothing, I repeat, nothing wrong with being male and effeminate.
WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH! Hold up! You apologize for calling him a rude name AFTER you read the KJV scripture? The one that puts "Revilers" in the same league as drunkards and effeminates?
Sorry dude, I keep imagining you as the White Stag spirit from the Canticle of Huma. Who happens to be female. I know you're a guy, it was just a slip of the thumb, won't happen again.
Point proven on the first part. I think people screwed stuff up as it went from person to person. But the main verse we were talking about was 1 Corinthians 6: 9-10. That didn't go from person to person. God told Paul what to write in that letter. As for the second message, Yes. Yes I did apologize when I realized i did something wrong. Am I supposed to continue being rude and not apologize? Is that what you want me to do? I'm not gonna lie, I let my mouth get ahead of my mind sometimes.
My thought is translations are flawed. There are a lot of Greek and Hebrew words we don't understand fully and can't properly translate. I feel the answer I got from God about those prayers is true, though. I am who I am and God made me as I am.
Ok. It's better than how some gay people feel about themselves :( it's really the people like Westboro that make em feel that way. Hope I didn't sound judgmental (except for that first comment which I would give a lot to take back)
Wow. It's been over a decade since I've read any of the Dragonlance books. I started reading those in the fourth grade, and never knew anyone else that has since then. How odd I'd find the first here on FS.
I've been reading them for just under a decade, and the only person who I've met who also read them was my father. I'm pleased to meet a fellow fan of the series.
Sorry, dude. Topic has changed.
So, do they still make those books? I've still got the first couple trilogies, along with a bunch from the Tales (iirc) spinoffs, prequels, or w/e you wanna call 'em.
Know what else bothers me about this? That she worries people from her church will make fun of her for having a gay child. Does that matter to her more than her son's happiness?
This may offend and I'm sorry, but the bible is made up stories. Yes, some stories teach us valuable lessons about loving one and other ect, but they're all just stories written down and changed over the centuries. Everyone should live by this one rule - be excellent to each other.
· 11 years ago
however, there are other accounts outside the bible of Jesus, and they do have certain pieces of physical evidence that he lived and that those events did happen. That's why most Christians only go by the New Testament, because we're all fairly certain that the old testament is just made up :)
the thing I don't understand is why a lot of religious people I know get mad at gay people but then go around having premarital sex. why condemn some things they believe are sins but not others?
I think you and I can both agree that God made Huma's Guide.
BUT the Bible was written by human men, from tales told through word of mouth for centuries. You can't take it word for word. Also, I looked up the exact part of the bible where it says that to try and find who exactly is saying it, and I found something interesting.
In the King James Version, not only does it say nothing about homosexuals, it does include drunkards. As a good old Christian Irishman, I'm deeply hurt, confused and offended.
As for you, guest.
It WAS word of mouth. Written and cumulated from multiple different sources.
Unless you think THIS was divinely inspired.
So, do they still make those books? I've still got the first couple trilogies, along with a bunch from the Tales (iirc) spinoffs, prequels, or w/e you wanna call 'em.
*smashes head into wall repeatedly*