That’s a two way street.
A well known martial artist and professional fighter was shot dead by a man, not so many years ago, after the man hit his car and tried to run and the martial artist ran him down.
So indeed- no matter how skilled or strong you are, all it takes is luck or the right circumstances and a gun wins.
I like to try and conduct myself as though anyone in speaking to may be armed. Not just in the sense of readiness- more in the sense of not escalating situations or risking being shot over pointless or minor things or ego.
But the two way street is this- a gun does not make you a tough guy. A gun does not make you invivible or win every fight.
If two people are in arms reach or slightly further and have their weapons holstered- knife almost always beats gun so long as intent and reflexes are about equal.
A good fighter close up, not even a trained fighter or martial artist, just someone with some skills- they can shove that gun up your butt quicker than the average person can use it. If you come back after the fact and clip them- you’re likely to spend a long time in jail because that isn’t self defense anymore and is premeditated.
If you flash a gun or make threats and they beat you to death or within an inch of your life, they can get reduced or no penalty because the moment a gun is a realistic possibility, they are fighting for their life.
What do you care if her boyfriend can beat your ass? Why do you need to, even in your own head, stroke your little ego thinking “I could shoot him!”?
If you did something to warrant threats of an ass kicking- spend more time working on not being the sort of person who gets threats of ass licking for your bad behavior and less time thinking of how to escalate an ass kicking.
If you didn’t do anything to warrant it and they’re out of pocket- just back off. Chances are no one actually needs to get hurt today and they’re blowing wind. Let em.
Of course if someone legitimately puts you in a position where you reasonably feet for your life or your safety- which is almost any time someone assaults you since even if they don’t have intent- it is very easy to kill someone on accident or cripple them in a fight- then yeah. Defend yourself.
A well known martial artist and professional fighter was shot dead by a man, not so many years ago, after the man hit his car and tried to run and the martial artist ran him down.
So indeed- no matter how skilled or strong you are, all it takes is luck or the right circumstances and a gun wins.
I like to try and conduct myself as though anyone in speaking to may be armed. Not just in the sense of readiness- more in the sense of not escalating situations or risking being shot over pointless or minor things or ego.
If two people are in arms reach or slightly further and have their weapons holstered- knife almost always beats gun so long as intent and reflexes are about equal.
A good fighter close up, not even a trained fighter or martial artist, just someone with some skills- they can shove that gun up your butt quicker than the average person can use it. If you come back after the fact and clip them- you’re likely to spend a long time in jail because that isn’t self defense anymore and is premeditated.
If you flash a gun or make threats and they beat you to death or within an inch of your life, they can get reduced or no penalty because the moment a gun is a realistic possibility, they are fighting for their life.
If you did something to warrant threats of an ass kicking- spend more time working on not being the sort of person who gets threats of ass licking for your bad behavior and less time thinking of how to escalate an ass kicking.
If you didn’t do anything to warrant it and they’re out of pocket- just back off. Chances are no one actually needs to get hurt today and they’re blowing wind. Let em.
Of course if someone legitimately puts you in a position where you reasonably feet for your life or your safety- which is almost any time someone assaults you since even if they don’t have intent- it is very easy to kill someone on accident or cripple them in a fight- then yeah. Defend yourself.