I hate that argument. She's not taking his money. Kids cost money because life costs money and as a parent it's his fucking obligation to provide for his kids. They would've cost money without a divorce to but because they're divorced sHE's tAkIng HIs moNeYs oH NOeS. Fuck him and everyone like him
The only reason I could see you being downvoted is because someone out there projected personal circumstances onto this situation involving other people.
Yes, often times, at least in America, family courts can be biased against fathers/men due to antiquated gender ideas and women being seen as default “nurturers” and default infants that require protection and care. Often men are saddled with child support payments which are unreasonable and a touch arbitrary.
Those are separate issues of reform from the basic principle that as you say- he had fucking kids. So what, they divorced and now he gets to put any bill he doesn’t feel like paying on the mother and that divorce absolves him from equitable parenting or the concept of providing the best one is able for their children?
Let’s not forget that while the man was egotistical and brash, the entire country was taken by surprised as the “through the wire guy” became increasingly erratic and extreme. Evidence suggests he has worsened in his mental illness over the years and while his wife probably had some idea before the rest of us, almost certainly she didn’t go into the marriage knowing he was an out of control fruit cake laced with hate and conspiracy theories.
So labeling her a gold digger for divorcing a man who is crazy and by most accounts abusive to those around him isn’t a good look. If she was only after his money she could have stayed with him and had access to more than $200k a month in support from him. She’s also pretty stinking rich herself as are her children’s grandparents. I find it dubious she even needs the support and more likely that the support is just as you say- to ensure Kanye contributes his equitable share to raising their children.
$200k is a lot of money but let’s not forget that for ONE SAMPLE on ONE SONG, Sting makes $5,000 A DAY from Sean Combs. The couple has 4 kids- making the $50,000 per child in support less than the melody of an 80’s ballad is worth, and given Wests career and assets, not as insane as it may seem. While most people can raise 4 children on far less than $200k a year, child and spousal support are meant to care for those in separated families to a standard they are accustomed to. How much is the payments on the mansions Kim and Kanye live in? If they split rent/mortgage- how much do you think Kanye was paying in bills? I’ll give a clue from recent news stories about certain celebrities who paid $50,000 in a single month just on their water bills for the grounds and pools. So yes these people earn insane amounts and they spend extravagantly. They spent extravagantly when together too, so because he went crazy her and her kids should have to change their lifestyle and he gets to keep his?
I should add:
1. I still laughed at this though.
2. Kanye and Kim DID have a prenup as alluded to in the song.
3. Kim very likely could have sought and won spousal support aka alimony as he average earnings are reported at around $80 million but were lower earlier in their relationship and Kanye is reported to average at least $150 million annually. Most sources generally place her net worth lower than Kanye (pre divorce) but her earnings are reported as substantially lower. Despite this no spousal support was sought and most sources state it was a fairly “easy” settlement especially for a case between two people with such wealth and financially complexity. If she was a “true gold digger,” in this divorce she could have potentially taken him for hundreds of millions more dollars. Though as it stands their prenup entitles her to some very significant concessions.
Yes, often times, at least in America, family courts can be biased against fathers/men due to antiquated gender ideas and women being seen as default “nurturers” and default infants that require protection and care. Often men are saddled with child support payments which are unreasonable and a touch arbitrary.
Those are separate issues of reform from the basic principle that as you say- he had fucking kids. So what, they divorced and now he gets to put any bill he doesn’t feel like paying on the mother and that divorce absolves him from equitable parenting or the concept of providing the best one is able for their children?
So labeling her a gold digger for divorcing a man who is crazy and by most accounts abusive to those around him isn’t a good look. If she was only after his money she could have stayed with him and had access to more than $200k a month in support from him. She’s also pretty stinking rich herself as are her children’s grandparents. I find it dubious she even needs the support and more likely that the support is just as you say- to ensure Kanye contributes his equitable share to raising their children.
1. I still laughed at this though.
2. Kanye and Kim DID have a prenup as alluded to in the song.
3. Kim very likely could have sought and won spousal support aka alimony as he average earnings are reported at around $80 million but were lower earlier in their relationship and Kanye is reported to average at least $150 million annually. Most sources generally place her net worth lower than Kanye (pre divorce) but her earnings are reported as substantially lower. Despite this no spousal support was sought and most sources state it was a fairly “easy” settlement especially for a case between two people with such wealth and financially complexity. If she was a “true gold digger,” in this divorce she could have potentially taken him for hundreds of millions more dollars. Though as it stands their prenup entitles her to some very significant concessions.