“Whenever I log in I get an error..”
>are you sure you’re using the right password? No typos in your credentials?
“Yes. I KNOW my password. It’s broken.”
> according to the logs you haven’t tried to log in since last Wednesday.
“I’ve been trying all day. IMPOSSIBLE.”
> …. What… what is the user name you’re typing in?
“{not their user name. By a long shot.}”
>… You’re user name is {simple name involving their name or email}”
[silence, end scene]
“I can’t log in..”
20 questions later…
>what URL are you typing in?
“{wrong URL}”
[end scene]
“Here is a problem I obviously haven’t spent 3 seconds looking at before submitting to IT as an IT issue, but the IT guy who knows little about my job can tell in 3 seconds that the issue is caused by data or a setting that I control and I don’t know how to do my job or am too lazy but will put in an IT ticket so they research the problem and then have to tell me how to do my job when they explain why it isn’t an IT problem.”
Even better is when the log shows they're logged in and accessing tons of data, then it turns out the URL they're using is "The one you sent me in an email".
>are you sure you’re using the right password? No typos in your credentials?
“Yes. I KNOW my password. It’s broken.”
> according to the logs you haven’t tried to log in since last Wednesday.
“I’ve been trying all day. IMPOSSIBLE.”
> …. What… what is the user name you’re typing in?
“{not their user name. By a long shot.}”
>… You’re user name is {simple name involving their name or email}”
[silence, end scene]
“I can’t log in..”
20 questions later…
>what URL are you typing in?
“{wrong URL}”
[end scene]
“Here is a problem I obviously haven’t spent 3 seconds looking at before submitting to IT as an IT issue, but the IT guy who knows little about my job can tell in 3 seconds that the issue is caused by data or a setting that I control and I don’t know how to do my job or am too lazy but will put in an IT ticket so they research the problem and then have to tell me how to do my job when they explain why it isn’t an IT problem.”