Yes but no? Being force sensitive is pretty rare- maybe 68 or so in a million people. Meaning among the population of JUST the empirical capital world Coruscant if we applied that probability literally you’d have something like 68 MILLION force sensitives- if they were all human. In other races Force sensitivity may be as or more common and some races less common or no recorded force sensitives.
So it is rare but it isn’t like there aren’t ALOT of force sensitive beings.
It is also worth mentioning that force sensitivity is relative. Some force sensitive sms just have slightly better ocasional “intuition” or might be particularly adept at certain things or slightly better at things they have never done etc. force sensitivity and being a Jedi or even being capable of Jedi like feats in the force are not the same.
As to the gamble- gambling is by nature a game of chance, but so is life. Probabilities and such. No “sore thing” you merely make decisions based on probability and other factors and what happens happens. If Jedi were to be forbidden from taking chances they couldn’t do much. Likewise habitual gambling for recreation or profit could constitute attachment or be a manifestation to attachment. In circumstances like they faced, gambling could be acceptable. I will skip speculation on skill vs chance as Sabacc is a game of skill and chance as is possible racing. Sabacc is similar to the card games“black Jack” aka “21” except with different probabilities and variants and a goal of 23 points. Sabacc also has other rules and mechanics like the “interference field” that make use of player skill. So let’s not debate wether one is more or all luck or skill and agree both involve chance and skill.
The big difference in the plans is that Anakin was going to race anyway. They were not going to use the force to impede his opponents or to aid him on the field. There was no cheating. As a racer, Force sensitivity is no more a cheat than someone being more skilled or a certain species having advantages in their biology etc. if they had bet on a foot race and one competitor was a species known for running 50mph and the rest were normal humans who would the smart bet be? Knowing anakin was force sensitive was information that not everyone had- but that is common in sports betting and most betting allows people to bet based on whatever information they are able to gain without any obligation to share their information.
So there was no plan to cheat. Sabacc would require either actively manipulating other competitors to ensure winning or actively manipulating the game outside the rules of the game. Cheating. Nothing in the pod race plan involved unfair manipulation of the contest against the rules of the sport or the Jedi order. It is also the case that if we ignore such justifications there are a couple other big reasons to bet the pod race plan versus cards.
Let’s first look at where this is a “yes” this meme is right though: So the critical part of where the plans end up similar is not mentioned. After placing the bet with the bookies on the race outcome to get his parts, Qui-Gon takes a bet with Watto to free a slave- Watto rolls a chance cube aka dice to decide and Qui-Gon uses the force to cheat the roll and ensure Anakin is freed instead of his mother IF Watto loses the bet. Qui-Gon has now manipulated a game of chance to get his desired reward. Two main ways to look at this- one is that since he didn’t actually change the odds of winning his bet, he merely ensured that IF he won that he would get what he wanted or needed- the concept of fairness isn’t violated. The other is that qui gon wasn’t willing to “bend the rules” or “stoop” for the parts and felt they could get them other ways but wanted Anakin so badly that he would break the rules.
Ok. So now- we can choose to believe yes, qui gons plan ended up being no less morally or ethically questionable merely more complicated or less probable to succeed than Obiwans plan here- OR, well… there may be plenty of seedy types afoot including Watto, but qui gin might have reasoned that playing at amd cheating high states local cars gambling to win enough to buy what they needed was likely
To end in big trouble. No limits card playing types are often bad news mC especially when cheated out of large sums of money. It is also often easy to catch people cheating cards.
So it is rare but it isn’t like there aren’t ALOT of force sensitive beings.
It is also worth mentioning that force sensitivity is relative. Some force sensitive sms just have slightly better ocasional “intuition” or might be particularly adept at certain things or slightly better at things they have never done etc. force sensitivity and being a Jedi or even being capable of Jedi like feats in the force are not the same.
To end in big trouble. No limits card playing types are often bad news mC especially when cheated out of large sums of money. It is also often easy to catch people cheating cards.