I would argue- asides having never heard this before- who cares…? I’ve lived most of my life without a concept of emojis, generations have lived and died without them. If people like them and find them useful great- but before emoji there was emoticon and there’s been pager code and all manner of such systems to add expression or convenience.
These things tend to be an extension of slang- often specific to a certain generation group or time, sometimes finding their way into a “mainstream” lexicon and becoming an enduring part of language and communication in the way that many modern words exist due to slang (Shakespeare being a well known example.) emoji, no emoji- something comes along and the world keeps spinning.
· 2 years ago
Well, first of all: Ok, boomer. Sorry, scnr...
Actually, this is specifically about the thumbs up emoji which reportedly "one redditor" has declared inacceptable to use for its potential "hostility" or whatever. As every possible cringe idea or concept does find its followers, there have been a few "people" (meaning other redditors and probably the usual handful of literally sleep depraved - über-woke - Twatterers) supporting this which has lead to heaps of oldschool msm-media personalities of settled age (not to use the b-word again) being aggravated by this, which imo is basically because many of them have just recently acknowledged the existence on an emoji language and have hesitantly started using it. As they mistake the echoes in certain social media bubbles for something real and relevant, they're just about starting to make this real and relevant by complaining about it on all channels. SNAFU. Good job, y'all.
I don’t care about emoji, it isn’t necessarily an age thing- many of my friends and peers use them- I just don’t care. I don’t know that they are worth caring about. What I mean specifically- is that I think of people like them and want to use them- great. It isnt that I have never used an emoji- and some people find them very useful or fun. Many age groups, but especially older ones- have problems with change and newer things. Is the “thumb” somehow aggressive? I don’t know. It can be. Anything can be. “K” or “ok” can be aggressive and I’ve been told before my text style, which used punctuation such as periods- can be seen as “aggressive” or “hostile” or such. Generational differences in communication exist, they become easier to see the further we go- reading books or letters from even the 1950’s or 60’s shows a very different style and use of language than today…
.. general, for example. I’m not would up over emoji and I just don’t care as in- if they disappeared tomorrow or would t impact me much at all and if they expanded and became their own pseudo language I’d either learn it or live without it and the world would keep spinning.
It’s just another “controversy” being manufactured so that people who make money off controversy can make money. “Satanic panics” and all the things we’ve seen before- “books vs. film” at one point in western history, common silverware was associated with ungodly evil or poor morals and character.
It doesn’t matter anyway. If old people want to get upset over what kids are doing, kids will likely just do it more to piss them off, just like old people dod to their elders when they were young.
The world is always changing and so is society despite so much remaining the same over centuries or more.
There comes some concept that disagreement is rejection- that young people finding their own way somehow devalue or insult the “established ways” of the old or that old people trying to give young people the benefit of experience are somehow invalidating the young.
Young people come up with new elements of culture and communication and that something old people either need to adapt to or get left behind. So many are set in their ways that they fear being left behind or made irrelevant in acting out against those fears they become irrelevant and get left behind trying to hold back the flow of time to when the world made the most sense to them even if back then all they wanted was change.
I didn’t know about the recent “controversy” of thumbs up, so thank you for informing me. I was aware that some see it as passive aggressive or dismissive- but again… they said that about “k” and “ok” too. So… can’t say I much care lol.
Emojis have been around long enough that pretty soon a new generation of kids are going to come along and upend what the kids right now think is how they should work and we will likely get to see it all over again because the majority of people grow up to become the type of people they couldn’t stand when they were younger to varying degrees. As long as we fail to learn and keep repeating a cycle that’s all it is- another loop on the same wheel with some new words and faces and the same plot.
These things tend to be an extension of slang- often specific to a certain generation group or time, sometimes finding their way into a “mainstream” lexicon and becoming an enduring part of language and communication in the way that many modern words exist due to slang (Shakespeare being a well known example.) emoji, no emoji- something comes along and the world keeps spinning.
Actually, this is specifically about the thumbs up emoji which reportedly "one redditor" has declared inacceptable to use for its potential "hostility" or whatever. As every possible cringe idea or concept does find its followers, there have been a few "people" (meaning other redditors and probably the usual handful of literally sleep depraved - über-woke - Twatterers) supporting this which has lead to heaps of oldschool msm-media personalities of settled age (not to use the b-word again) being aggravated by this, which imo is basically because many of them have just recently acknowledged the existence on an emoji language and have hesitantly started using it. As they mistake the echoes in certain social media bubbles for something real and relevant, they're just about starting to make this real and relevant by complaining about it on all channels. SNAFU. Good job, y'all.
It’s just another “controversy” being manufactured so that people who make money off controversy can make money. “Satanic panics” and all the things we’ve seen before- “books vs. film” at one point in western history, common silverware was associated with ungodly evil or poor morals and character.
It doesn’t matter anyway. If old people want to get upset over what kids are doing, kids will likely just do it more to piss them off, just like old people dod to their elders when they were young.
There comes some concept that disagreement is rejection- that young people finding their own way somehow devalue or insult the “established ways” of the old or that old people trying to give young people the benefit of experience are somehow invalidating the young.
Young people come up with new elements of culture and communication and that something old people either need to adapt to or get left behind. So many are set in their ways that they fear being left behind or made irrelevant in acting out against those fears they become irrelevant and get left behind trying to hold back the flow of time to when the world made the most sense to them even if back then all they wanted was change.
Emojis have been around long enough that pretty soon a new generation of kids are going to come along and upend what the kids right now think is how they should work and we will likely get to see it all over again because the majority of people grow up to become the type of people they couldn’t stand when they were younger to varying degrees. As long as we fail to learn and keep repeating a cycle that’s all it is- another loop on the same wheel with some new words and faces and the same plot.