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· 1 year ago
Well, science has had been wrong many times so citing the non-truths of science just means talking about everything before we knew better and, thus, changed our minds. Certainly philosophy is important but philosophy is also science and have been out of bounds a couple of times as well. Case in point; Eugenics and Phrenology. Turns out judging people by the shape of their skull doesn't prove anything and the idea of killing or sterilising the ones with the wrong shaped head, for the betterment of mankind ofc, wasn't such a great idea either.
· 1 year ago
By and large I agree. The philosophy of modern science is such that it can’t really be “wrong” though, hard science observes and records. The conclusions can be wrong, data can be incomplete, but if one observed a correlation between two things or lack of correlation, that is simply what one observed. Of course individuals can lie or perform studies or make theories without earnest too. That sort of shows us the importance of philosophy- if people had a better philosophical and conceptual knowledge of science and approached it as “what is probable, according to these guys…” instead of taking the pieces that suit them and running with them, there’s be a lot less wrong turns in the name of science. To be a scientist is to be unsure. Philosophy however deals in the abstract, that which cannot be objectively quantified or proven. Any good scientist is always unsure, but a good philosopher may be sure or unsure- that is a matter of philosophical debate.
· 1 year ago
Science seeks to tell the how, how to do something, how some aspect of the universe works. Philosophy seeks the why- the purpose. Without some philosophical concept, all we have is our immediate urges. So I won’t say one is more important than the other, I will say that science and philosophy are similar and worlds apart. Both seek answers, both to some degree rely upon peer review and acceptance, the list can go on.
· 1 year ago
MC Hammer knows Jack shit about science and proves it by confusing science and scientists. THIS is boring.