i mean…kinda? The issue was never really the tax, although the tax definitely contributed, it’s that we weren’t asked before we were being taxed. None of the money went to us, we were never consulted, they just said “too bad fuckers, you’re getting bent over the barrel”. now, when we’re bent over the barrel, at least we’ve voted for the people who are doing the bending.
Edited 2 years ago
· 2 years ago
This meme conveniently forgets to mention the progression of income tax. A single person below 91,000 $ yearly income is taxed at 25%. To pay 39,6% you need to make >418,000 bucks. Pity the rich, boofuckinhoo.
Hmmm, so.. if I make a billion dollars, I pay almost 400M in tax. That's more than my district at TXDOT spends in a year for everything; and we cover 10 counties with 3 cities over 100,000 population.
gotta side with general_failure here, that still leaves $600M/yr and well above what most people will ever see in their lives.
i agree with keep what you earn at any level, but that’s an insane amount of money, and if you’ve gotta have a tax that person would feel it the least.
Edited 2 years ago
· 2 years ago
If you "make a billion dollars" you have profited from the people and the infrastructure of the country where you made this money. What else is there to say? Nobody has ever "earned" such obscene amounts of money. There should be a cut-off like XXXX-times of a full-time minimum wage job. In America there are some of the richest people on this planet and still there's place where people have poisonous tap water and double-digit percentages of children live in poverty. Tax the rich and the corporations and make America a place for everyone again. Or take the consequences.
Well.. ok. (Packs my things... opens map, throw dart) thunk.
Hey ... Poland! Would you be happy taxing a billionaire 40% of their income if they move their multi-billion dollar business to your country?
"$400M a year per billion earned to fight Russians? Witamy!"
What if my business pollutes a lot and I don't pay workers enough?
"With what you pay in taxes, we'll cover environmental systems, Healthcare, retirement, and go 50/50 on insurance so you can increase pay. Tak?"
i agree with keep what you earn at any level, but that’s an insane amount of money, and if you’ve gotta have a tax that person would feel it the least.
Hey ... Poland! Would you be happy taxing a billionaire 40% of their income if they move their multi-billion dollar business to your country?
"$400M a year per billion earned to fight Russians? Witamy!"
What if my business pollutes a lot and I don't pay workers enough?
"With what you pay in taxes, we'll cover environmental systems, Healthcare, retirement, and go 50/50 on insurance so you can increase pay. Tak?"