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· 2 years ago
There isn’t scientific evidence to back up that human semen is good for skin. The average cost concentrations of proteins and vitamins is general too low to imply effectiveness for skin care, but if it works for you… go for it I guess. Just be aware that many people have semen allergies- yes, even possibly your own- so you can have an allergic reaction that would not be good for your skin or terribly pleasant, and explaining even to your doctor about the situation may not be something everyone is comfortable thinking about. Using someone else’s semen holds the same risk but also risks like sexually transmitted infection potentially. So- be careful but do you.
· 2 years ago
Let's discuss breast milk and how it Is the liquid gold of the woman's body. Nutrition, lotion for the skin .. lubricant for heavy machinery. Like cows.. keep pumping them/babies on them they keep on producing. Some caretakers were called wet nurses back in the past because women would stick around and produce milk for other women's kids. Mother's milk baby!! Anyone seen mad max? The truck was full of titty milk!