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· 2 years ago
There is no curved line
· 2 years ago
It’s digital, you can’t have a curved line, only the representation of a curved line. In other words, any “curved line” one sees on a standard monitor is an optical illusion using light and color to create an image the brain will perceive as a curved line. If we are willing to ignore that and we are asking to find a digital representation of a curved line represented by pixels or sub pixels- zoom in. The stone like textures making the illusion have several “curved lines” among them. You can argue those lines aren’t curved but are shaded to appear curved- but then we return to the original definition which we rejected. If the argument is that the lines of the “stones” aren’t curved, then the “phantom lines” one sees when looking at the macro image are valid as “curved lines” as there is no difference between the illusion of curved lines elicited by use of specific pixel usage wether the “lines” are drawn in or not- the question is what is seen.