Every time I see one of these I die a little bit.
If “men’s day” is your thing then celebrate it. A lot of men don’t need it and do t want it. A lot of men don’t even like being the center of attention on their birthdays or Father’s Day. The first time and only times I ever hear of men’s day are when I am online. I’ve never heard anyone speak on it or care about it, and if people want to celebrate it that’s fine, but as opposed to society having the two by fourI see a relatively small percentage of men with a two by four labeled men’s day trying to shove it in everyone’s faces, and most of the time I doubt the sincerity of the whole thing as much as I suspect it’s simply to stir controversy or attempt to undermine holidays for other groups by getting people to call the idea ridiculous.
I won’t call it ridiculous, some of our most revered holidays exist entirely or primarily because marketers wanted to sell things. So who am I to say? And I am sure some men really are so sensitive or so in need of validation and recognition they can’t get in their normal lives through their conduct and achievements that they could use a day to get to feel those things and be recognized. Society heaps rewards and recognition on men historically and presently, but it may not be enough or some men might not be able to make it over the low bar set for us and reach any of it. So if it helps then emotionally or mentally or whatever- celebrate away. I will abstain.
· 2 years ago
Too many stuck up whiny little boys here to appreciate that comment.
If “men’s day” is your thing then celebrate it. A lot of men don’t need it and do t want it. A lot of men don’t even like being the center of attention on their birthdays or Father’s Day. The first time and only times I ever hear of men’s day are when I am online. I’ve never heard anyone speak on it or care about it, and if people want to celebrate it that’s fine, but as opposed to society having the two by fourI see a relatively small percentage of men with a two by four labeled men’s day trying to shove it in everyone’s faces, and most of the time I doubt the sincerity of the whole thing as much as I suspect it’s simply to stir controversy or attempt to undermine holidays for other groups by getting people to call the idea ridiculous.