Happy international men's day kings!
2 years ago by celebmeme · 46 Likes · 5 comments · Fresh
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· 2 years ago
Men don't deserve anything
· 2 years ago
· 2 years ago
I just think it's funny how every Women's Day someone complains there's no men's day and yet no one ever organizes anything for november nineteenth.
· 2 years ago
I mean- everyday for the past 200-40,000 years across most of the planet has been men’s day. Surely there are men who want or feel need of validation and celebration who perhaps don’t feel or perceive the general social biases. I suppose society doesn’t celebrate men so much as reward mediocrity in men and celebrate the ACHIEVEMENTS of men, and some men have few if any achievements society values or feel like if they stopped being useful for even a day that they would go from a hero to a zero. So I won’t dismiss the feelings of men who feel a need for such a day, nor will I make some snide remark such as that women at large would probably gladly trade a yearly internet banner for the social position em generally enjoy. Instead I will say perhaps it is much akin to the fact that there are lots of retail workers and farmers and people key to daily life who don’t get a special day or struggle with work conditions or pay bit don’t tend to get the attention and respect of groups like…
· 2 years ago
.. veterans or teachers. Are veterans and teachers unworthy of recognition or help? Of course not. But…. Are there maybe certain factors that make a distinction in why we celebrate veterans with a national holiday and not farmers or food wait staff…? So I mean- sure men have problems and men have feelings, but equal value or treatment and equivalent are not the same- if the government gives estrogen therapy to older women for free then should the “fair” thing be to give estrogen therapy to me for free? I don’t need or want such a thing. If your friend likes liver and onions as a favorite meal and you hate liver and onions, to be fair should I buy you liver and onions to celebrate your new job because that’s what I did for them? What people need or want or makes sense is subjective. Not everything needs to be 1:1 exchange for things to be equivalent. 30 minutes of TV time for a TV watcher and 30 minutes of computer time for a computer player, etc.