Boys will be held accountable for their actions
2 years ago by karlboll · 493 Likes · 3 comments · Popular
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· 2 years ago
I agree with the general sentiment, I just don't really care about the modern concept of sexism, and I still don't really believe in "rape culture".
· 2 years ago
Hmm, I don't think it's "rape culture" as much as "powerful people getting away with horrendous stuff because nobody dares challenge them" culture. But yeah rape is often stigmatized and taboo-ized (is that a word?) more than other crimes so idk, maybe there is something to it.
· 2 years ago
You're quite right about the powerful people getting away with it thing. "Boys will be boys" is still literally used to punish women for their own rapes and assaults in many parts of the world. The less extreme version of that is victim blaming. Wearing revealing clothes, being in that part of town at night, etc.... We've only recently, past decade or so, started pointing out victim blaming's fallacy and placing the blame entirely on the real culprits. Part of that move is de-stigmatizing the reporting of rape. However, since culture changes take longer, usually several generations, it's still affecting our society on an individual level. "Rape Culture" is a whole other thing.
Edited 2 years ago