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· 2 years ago
Borders are bad except when they aren’t doesn’t really make sense here. If there was no border between Russia and Ukraine would that then make it ok to bomb civilians and kill a bunch of people to try and make money and control them? Next time you’re on a crowded bus or train and someone goes to sit down in an empty seat tell them they can’t sit there because it’s inside your personal space and see how it goes. Through conquest and colonialism, two world wars and countless conflicts, having a border or claiming ownership of land doesn’t mean anything if you don’t have the ability to stop someone who doesn’t respect your claim does it?
Edited 2 years ago
· 2 years ago
So the border doesn’t grant you authority or autonomy- your autonomy and authority are what allow you to have a border to symbolize that you claim that land and anyone who thinks different is going to have to fight you. The border is just a symbol and a way of letting others know to expect that inside that line you will exert your will on them. Wars and conflicts happen without borders and they happen with borders.