I’m not taking a stance on the issues around Mr. Depp’s personal life. I would caution against taking such endorsements to heart however. Let us recall the long list of celebrities and public figures from actors to presidents who have received glowing endorsements of personal character from coworkers. Bill Cosby, Donald Trump, Tom Cruise- so many names. Let us also not forget that people can work closely together for years and not even know their kids names or their hobbies let alone their true character or intimate personal details.
So I mean… character testimony should be approached with caution- especially when the person making said statements is in a position where their very lively hood might hinge upon what they say about a person, even more so a minor player in the same industry as a well connected giant. To be clear, I’m not saying Mr. Depp isn’t a good person. I’m not saying this woman is lying. I’m just saying that there is often more that what we see or want to see.
So I mean… character testimony should be approached with caution- especially when the person making said statements is in a position where their very lively hood might hinge upon what they say about a person, even more so a minor player in the same industry as a well connected giant. To be clear, I’m not saying Mr. Depp isn’t a good person. I’m not saying this woman is lying. I’m just saying that there is often more that what we see or want to see.