90's kids moving the tv to another room
2 years ago by planke · 250 Likes · 7 comments · Popular
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· 2 years ago
I had a big-screen crt tv, before flat-screens became a thing, and I shit you not, it weighed almost 300 pounds
· 2 years ago
I had a 48 incher downstairs, the goddamn thing needed wheels to move. The thing was awesome though, coming home after basketball practice + extra games at the rec, either putting on seinfeld, everybody loves raymond or nba games... and then doing some homework before I passed out (i tended to do most my homework in class except essays.. and that was just so I could get everything else done fast and sleep)
Edited 2 years ago
· 2 years ago
Yeah, if you had a big-screen you were definitely hot stuff. The coolest thing in the world was in the early 80s my parents bought a giant rear projection tv and everyone that came to our house was just blown away. I have no idea what it weighed given that it was a giant wood box with four projectors, four speakers and a big plastic screen. It must have been hundreds of pounds but once they bought it and had it put in the den we never moved it again
· 2 years ago
I had to move mine a few times; cat would try and hide and get stuck.
· 2 years ago
Ya'll don't even know. Those things weighed a ton and it was all lopsided. They didn't have places to grip them and if they did it was usually a single hand slot on the back which meant if you tried to pick it up it'd fall forward onto the screen cause that's where the weight was.
· 2 years ago
on the plus side, your TV would never break if dropped... no remorse for the floor though
· 2 years ago
these kids don't even know. My 28 inch in 1995 weighed more than my 50 inch today.