Is it accurate to say that here a "trans girl" is a biological male?
If so, I don't see how this biological male could be a girl, unless the term girl can include biological males?
A trans girl is a girl who is trans. It doesn't have to be harder than that. What's between her legs, or anyones for that matter, is unimportant unless she want's you to know.
If a biological male can call himself/herself a woman, then the term woman has no meaning except maybe to refer to a person. Seems like this would erase the identity of women (or at least women as we used to understand the term), no?
Dude you are really late in asking this question.
I gotta say, the definitions of femininity and masculinity are being shaken up right now, and I’m kinda waiting for it to settle, but for most I think that the traditional notions will remain in some form.
So if a trans woman wears a dress, that’s feminine. And if the trans woman wears pants, that’s feminine. But there’s a high chance they’ll want to look “pretty”
Sure. Whatever you need to hear to make it so mediocre men stop upstaging records, gold medals, and otherwise diluting the struggles many little girls and young women face in their lives.
Let's get rid of female spaces and ignore stolen achievements.
And you can't call me transphobic. I identify as an A-10 right now.
1) Can we agree male and female brains are wired differently? 2) Can we agree, biologically, most people are born either men or women (there are a few exceptions)? 3) What happens if you take a brain built like a female and put it in a man's body, or vice versa? Usually they realize they are trans early, just like gay people or bi people. I mean, I realized I was bi the moment I hit puberty. I was roughly 13.
I agree to 1. I agree to 2. I'm leery on 3 in the face of MBP syndrome, political pressure, the effects of interfering with puberty, and how stupid children are as a rule.
I def agree with children being stupid; I don't think it's political pressure, I know when I realized I was bi it had nothing to from the outside, it was just like.... something that clicked instantly and I was like "oooooh, that makes sense". And yes, hormone treatment can def interfere with puberty. I think before anything is done, the child needs time away from the internet and a few psychological evaluations by multiple psychologists. The last thing needed is for them to change their mind and wind up killing themselves over it. If it is needed, and denied, it might also result in them killing themselves. With a kid it should be a case by case basis, with an adult, do whatever the fuck you want lol.
For trans kids, I think it would be good to "try out" being their preferred gender before having any sort of surgery or supplements. Because honestly, it's irreversible and kids don't always know what they want. It's like getting a tattoo. They might want it for the next few years, but after a while it becomes an embarrassing memory, so people are advised to get temporary tattoos just to see what they think of it. Except tattoos can be removed with lasers. Sex change surgery isn't so easy
· 3 years ago
Being a trans person is not about preference or choice. And I'm sure, most, if not all kids are very well aware of their gender identity before they hit puberty. Getting aware of your gender identity usually happens before getting aware of your sexual orientation. I knew I was a boy long before I went to school, and I realized there were girls as well, but I had no idea what this was all about until... well, as @funkmasterrex put it, all of a sudden it all made sense. Like here: - I'm guessing Ash had been well aware he was a boy but then... *boom*
I'm not going to comment on @pompousone's purported fear of men getting their dicks cut off to dominate female sports. That's just his inner Tucker Carlson rearing up, again. Best ignored.
So you personally thought about and understood gender as a child? Good for you. You are the exception to the rule that "kids are stupid". Pat yourself on the back, have some ice cream, and go on a jog.
As for the second... are you of all people suggesting that one must give up their penis to be a girl?
· 3 years ago
Have you become aware of your own gender only when someone told you about the concept? You don't need to understand gender identity or even know the word to feel it. Fuck your strawmanning, it's literally all you got and it's just too lame.
As for the second: there are no general rules for all sports, but the general criteria is the level of sex hormones. Adaptions will be made when necessary. In any case the penis is just a piece of meat. Get some rest and learn:
I never "became aware". I did what felt right, what came naturally, and what was good for me. I still don't "feel" like a man or anything else. I just am me. Call it strawmanning if you must, most kids and most people don't have any kind of revelation on the subject.
The penis might just be just a piece of meat. But you wanna know the difference between a good fight and some poor girl getting her brains splattered in the ring? Bone and muscle density. You know what really defines a person's strengths if training is otherwise equal? Frame, build, and prior conditioning.
Name call all you must, just look at the results of mediocre men going against the best women in the field. Or even better, consider the overwhelming majority of women who don't want men in their prisons, shelters, lockerrooms, or even the average people who are not attracted to men or women playing dress up or mutilating themselves to mimic the other. Even I can say "Your argument is invalid because I identify as _".
Blank in this case being "Not any-Tucker". You have an unhealthy obsession with this person, by the way.
You gonna keep calling me Tucker? You gonna keep attacking my identity and invalidating my person?
At least try to play by your own standards, failure.
· 3 years ago
*lol* Ok, Tucker. Guess I will.
Edit: I would really like to see you in a fight with Marjorie Taylor Green. Good luck with your bone and muscle density, your frame and build.
What the hell are you on about. I'm not actually asking. It has long been established that you are incapable of articulating a point or saying even a single thing of substance. Go ahead and insult me, call me names, and continue with your nonsensical tangents and fantasies of political violence.
Edited 3 years ago
· 3 years ago
Haha Tucker, you KNOW she would grind you to little specks.
The point being is that a lot of things are forbidden from someone until they're an adult for VALID REASONS. In particular, the ethics of teenage LGBTQ+ society. There's legitimate concern for
a) Kids who are told they are/forced to be a certain gender or sexuality by trusted adults, and start to believe it.
b) Kids who want to "try out" being a different gender or sexuality, but don't plan to commit to it, but somehow feel like they must commit to it otherwise they're invalid, and eventually come to regret it.
Overall, anything permanent should ALWAYS be kept till the person in question becomes old enough to understand what exactly their decision entails and the long term effects.
I'd say ignorance is a better term; if you have yet to take a biology class, you shouldn't be fucking around with yourself unless you really feel you might kill yourself.
If so, I don't see how this biological male could be a girl, unless the term girl can include biological males?
I gotta say, the definitions of femininity and masculinity are being shaken up right now, and I’m kinda waiting for it to settle, but for most I think that the traditional notions will remain in some form.
So if a trans woman wears a dress, that’s feminine. And if the trans woman wears pants, that’s feminine. But there’s a high chance they’ll want to look “pretty”
Let's get rid of female spaces and ignore stolen achievements.
And you can't call me transphobic. I identify as an A-10 right now.
I'm not going to comment on @pompousone's purported fear of men getting their dicks cut off to dominate female sports. That's just his inner Tucker Carlson rearing up, again. Best ignored.
As for the second... are you of all people suggesting that one must give up their penis to be a girl?
As for the second: there are no general rules for all sports, but the general criteria is the level of sex hormones. Adaptions will be made when necessary. In any case the penis is just a piece of meat. Get some rest and learn:
The penis might just be just a piece of meat. But you wanna know the difference between a good fight and some poor girl getting her brains splattered in the ring? Bone and muscle density. You know what really defines a person's strengths if training is otherwise equal? Frame, build, and prior conditioning.
Name call all you must, just look at the results of mediocre men going against the best women in the field. Or even better, consider the overwhelming majority of women who don't want men in their prisons, shelters, lockerrooms, or even the average people who are not attracted to men or women playing dress up or mutilating themselves to mimic the other. Even I can say "Your argument is invalid because I identify as _".
You gonna keep calling me Tucker? You gonna keep attacking my identity and invalidating my person?
At least try to play by your own standards, failure.
Edit: I would really like to see you in a fight with Marjorie Taylor Green. Good luck with your bone and muscle density, your frame and build.
a) Kids who are told they are/forced to be a certain gender or sexuality by trusted adults, and start to believe it.
b) Kids who want to "try out" being a different gender or sexuality, but don't plan to commit to it, but somehow feel like they must commit to it otherwise they're invalid, and eventually come to regret it.
Overall, anything permanent should ALWAYS be kept till the person in question becomes old enough to understand what exactly their decision entails and the long term effects.