In the topic of masks. Anyone know how to get rid of dandruff seemingly caused by masks? Regular products irritate to the point that I bleed. So now I have blood and bits of skin in the masks
Edit: I would also like to mention that it's gotten inside my nose.
Maybe I should go see a doctor
@ignorance- it sounds like a trip to a doctor or dermatologist is in order. If it is spreading, especially to inside your nose, it could be fungal or bacterial.
Masks tend to cause our own hot, moist, breath to be trapped against our skin for long periods. Those conditions can be natural incubators for bacteria and fungus and can also irritate skin on their own or exacerbate existing conditions.
It is possible it is something else too. Allergies are a common issue, synthetics and other materials commonly found in masks, or to the formaldehyde many medical masks are sterilized with in production. Trying to identify an allergy and using masks that you aren’t allergic to can sometimes help, as can using a barrier between the mask and your face like lotions or petroleum jelly. Viscous barriers can also help reduce contact irritation on the delicate skin around the nose and mouth where masks tend to sit.
Of course washing or changing masks frequently is good practice and can help avoid or mitigate problems, but allergies and irritation from cleaning chemicals is something to watch out for there too.
A good skin care routine when the mask is off and getting as much time or taking breaks on long stints from wearing a mask are good for the skin as well.
A well fitting mask with its contact surfaces made of materials gentle on skin helps too.
You may be doing some or all of these already, these are just some of the common things that CAN help. I also do not recommend the “barrier” method on broken skin, and as much as possible avoiding situations that require a mask until your skin heals is probably best.
This isn’t a substitute for medical advice and I do advise you see a doctor and or specialists to resolve the issue.
Good luck.
· 3 years ago
Thank you all.
This is a good starting point for a solution
It could also be due to low humidity. I've been getting daily nose bleeds for the past few days and I put a mask on exactly once, for all of 5 min. I had to pick up cigs and 2 of some gatorade.
We don't complain. We just don't wear them. It's freeing, and often funny, to walk in someplace with a smile and see others look and then take off their masks.
Was watching one of the livestreams from a convoy and one of the people were talking about going into a supermarket and encountering a family with like a 3 year old who was fully masked. Every relative was as well.
The 3 year old was watching the guy, so he pulled his mask down for a moment and smiled
The guy said the look the kid gave him was nothing short of terrified and he realized this kid had probably never encountered people in stores and stuff who had faces before
You mean women accomplishing something doesn't automatically invalidate anyone else from commenting on that thing?
What kind of world are we living in, man!
Lol why are men being targeted for this? I've met plenty of women who don't want to use masks I could also cherry pick information. Wow OP has some sexism issues to deal with
Edit: I would also like to mention that it's gotten inside my nose.
Maybe I should go see a doctor
Masks tend to cause our own hot, moist, breath to be trapped against our skin for long periods. Those conditions can be natural incubators for bacteria and fungus and can also irritate skin on their own or exacerbate existing conditions.
It is possible it is something else too. Allergies are a common issue, synthetics and other materials commonly found in masks, or to the formaldehyde many medical masks are sterilized with in production. Trying to identify an allergy and using masks that you aren’t allergic to can sometimes help, as can using a barrier between the mask and your face like lotions or petroleum jelly. Viscous barriers can also help reduce contact irritation on the delicate skin around the nose and mouth where masks tend to sit.
A good skin care routine when the mask is off and getting as much time or taking breaks on long stints from wearing a mask are good for the skin as well.
A well fitting mask with its contact surfaces made of materials gentle on skin helps too.
You may be doing some or all of these already, these are just some of the common things that CAN help. I also do not recommend the “barrier” method on broken skin, and as much as possible avoiding situations that require a mask until your skin heals is probably best.
This isn’t a substitute for medical advice and I do advise you see a doctor and or specialists to resolve the issue.
Good luck.
This is a good starting point for a solution
The 3 year old was watching the guy, so he pulled his mask down for a moment and smiled
The guy said the look the kid gave him was nothing short of terrified and he realized this kid had probably never encountered people in stores and stuff who had faces before
So not no other women must complain about carrying a baby..
Very good arguements
What kind of world are we living in, man!
-insert Bill Nye flashy science gif here-