shrooms ftw! In all seriousnesss, in his defense all he does is try and help; not mind control you. Don't make me go back to Washington or WW2 to prove my points; yes there are counters, but a fucking mask ain't agent orange or the cia slowly dosing you with lsd.
Are you talking about Willy wonka? Fauci? Or green day?
Cause if you're talking Fauci I'm gonna politely disagree on the "all he does is try and help" front
Fauci is the same guy who single-handedly boosted the homophobia in the west by a million percent during the AIDS epidemic.
· 3 years ago
You should go to where someone fed you this fucked up, blatant lie and punch them hard in the face for making you look like a complete douchebag in public. Because surely you're not just heinously twisting the fact that groups like ACTUP had their problems with some of Fauci's attitude in the very beginning of the HIV epidemic and leave out the fact that in no time he was widely regarded as a legit and integer ally by way most of these groups. Of course you wouldn't ever do that, would you?
I'm not at all surprised that you want to resort to violence in the face of facts that you don't like.
But we can keep the conversation modern, if you like. This is the man who told us not to wear masks, then to wear masks, then to double mask, then no mask, then fuck it.
This is the man who denied Chinese involvement, even in the face of it coming out that he was involved in research that even the Chinese were wary of.
He is a man, and a bad one at that, who does nor deserve your admiration, or subservience.
· 3 years ago
Yea, cool listing, bro. But now what about how he "single-handedly boosted the homophobia in the west by a million percent during the AIDS epidemic"? That's a lot of percentage here. Did they dupe you or are you a heinous liar? I mean, if anyone knows about spreading homophobic lies, it would appear to be you.
Oh, "How dare you!" I hear you say - here's how:
I'm actually glad you referenced that, because now I can explain myself since so many people clearly understood.
I was mocking the idea that something being done by someone that is bad, somehow invalidates any attempt by bad to call out what is objectively evil. I was responding to funkmaster, not Karl. I tried to hammer it in with further examples of the absurdity. I guess I was too clever for you, huh?
And this exchange could even be used to further that point.
I'm so happy you had to immediately resort to personal attacks, really drives home how indisputable my claims are.
· 3 years ago
Yes, *pet pet* that was too clever for me. Obviously. What else could it be? Which brings me to that question you've been avoiding. What about how Fauci "single-handedly boosted the homophobia in the west by a million percent during the AIDS epidemic"? Another example of absurdity?
When people in certain Baptist churches start speaking in tongues, what they "say" is also pretty much undisputable. Just saying.
Hyperbole, actually. I'm sorry you don't seem quick enough to catch that, either.
And please, save the role-playing for literally anything that doesn't involve me. It's fucking weird.
· 3 years ago
Hyperbole based on a solid zero of substance - right. Mister, you're a better man than I.
people are inherently good or evil in the eyes of the beholder.. we all have our flaws, we all make mistakes... unless you're a sociopath or a psychopath you don't tend to give the person the benefit of the doubt to show they can make amends.
He had beagle puppies eaten alive by flies, their throats carved up while still alive just to silence the screaming.
He has done nothing but lie and manipulate for the benefit of tyrants, fascists, and the vary same major pharmaceutical companies that have poisoned and murdered us time and time again.
Benefit of the doubt? For covid alone it should have died as soon as he ordered gain of function. Before that? He has only decades experience in sowing chaos, panic, and lining his own pockets throughout.
There is no doubt.
· 3 years ago
Quite a simple question indeed. The answer would be no.
Hyperbole would mean there's at least a grain of truth to be exaggerated for the effect. So it's not a million percent, I get it. For the sake of the argument, let's assume it's one percent. What's that one percent Fauci single-handedly boosted the homophobia in the west during the AIDS epidemic? What did he do or say? Remember, I'm not that quick.
Hell of a lot more than one percent.
Along with the association AIDS had with gays, blacks, and gay blacks, Fauci put out half baked trash and outright misinformation saying that children who were in the same house as someone with AIDS were susceptible to infection from touching the same surfaces, or even breathing the same air.
I've heard the stories same as everyone else. Gay children being kicked out of the community, people being left to die alone and abandoned for fear that touching them would spread the infection, infected being buried in unmarked graves, often after being victims of violent crime over their status as infected or just for being gay men.
Thanks, Fauci. Did you put that in your movie about yourself?
The subliminal mind-fuck America
Cause if you're talking Fauci I'm gonna politely disagree on the "all he does is try and help" front
But we can keep the conversation modern, if you like. This is the man who told us not to wear masks, then to wear masks, then to double mask, then no mask, then fuck it.
This is the man who denied Chinese involvement, even in the face of it coming out that he was involved in research that even the Chinese were wary of.
He is a man, and a bad one at that, who does nor deserve your admiration, or subservience.
Oh, "How dare you!" I hear you say - here's how:
I was mocking the idea that something being done by someone that is bad, somehow invalidates any attempt by bad to call out what is objectively evil. I was responding to funkmaster, not Karl. I tried to hammer it in with further examples of the absurdity. I guess I was too clever for you, huh?
And this exchange could even be used to further that point.
I'm so happy you had to immediately resort to personal attacks, really drives home how indisputable my claims are.
When people in certain Baptist churches start speaking in tongues, what they "say" is also pretty much undisputable. Just saying.
And please, save the role-playing for literally anything that doesn't involve me. It's fucking weird.
He has done nothing but lie and manipulate for the benefit of tyrants, fascists, and the vary same major pharmaceutical companies that have poisoned and murdered us time and time again.
Benefit of the doubt? For covid alone it should have died as soon as he ordered gain of function. Before that? He has only decades experience in sowing chaos, panic, and lining his own pockets throughout.
There is no doubt.
Hyperbole would mean there's at least a grain of truth to be exaggerated for the effect. So it's not a million percent, I get it. For the sake of the argument, let's assume it's one percent. What's that one percent Fauci single-handedly boosted the homophobia in the west during the AIDS epidemic? What did he do or say? Remember, I'm not that quick.
Along with the association AIDS had with gays, blacks, and gay blacks, Fauci put out half baked trash and outright misinformation saying that children who were in the same house as someone with AIDS were susceptible to infection from touching the same surfaces, or even breathing the same air.
I've heard the stories same as everyone else. Gay children being kicked out of the community, people being left to die alone and abandoned for fear that touching them would spread the infection, infected being buried in unmarked graves, often after being victims of violent crime over their status as infected or just for being gay men.
Thanks, Fauci. Did you put that in your movie about yourself?