I'm going to bed. No, I'm going to hit some guests...
3 years ago by cakelover · 133 Likes · 10 comments · Fresh
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· 3 years ago
How many guests do you have?
· 3 years ago
"Full? Of course we're not 'full'!"
· 3 years ago
I should never have let you write that advert
· 3 years ago
Or like many they forget that the Earth/Solar System/Galaxy is not stationary and where it will be even 10 minutes in the future is not where it is right now. So even if they do crack time travel they just end up in space. Not exactly good for your health to suddenly find yourself in the dead of space.
· 3 years ago
that's why you build the portal to the other portal, so displacement doesn't matter, duh. Or they became mom's spaghetti monsters in transit.
· 3 years ago
I'm merely convinced that if time travel were possible, you simply are unable to travel backwards in time.
· 3 years ago
it's def possible to travel forward in time, people do it in airplanes everyday. Yeah it's like fractions of fractions of a second, but if you've been on an airplane you've technically time traveled. For it to have any significance would require more energy than the known universe or anti-matter or possibly capturing virtual particles (a real phenomena in a pure vacuum)
· 3 years ago
That's basis for why I believe we could possibly travel forward in time, the airplane analogy is really good, I pictured it as when we go to sleep, we wake up in the future. Technically, we are constantly moving towards the potential future, but always never reach it since it becomes the present.
· 3 years ago
Ty for the compliment and for being able to grasp my point, I was drunk when I typed that (pretty much drunk anytime i type anyway), but it's high concept and most people don't realize how spacetime works at such a small scale so they'll just be like "dafuq"
· 3 years ago
And I don't mean time zones, it becomes more pronounced the farther away from the observer you become, it was a weird thing on the first few Apollo missions and it screwed with timing.