Show of hands, who thought they were called "cuddle fish" for longer than they'd like to admit?
These particular cephalopods maybe not be especially cuddly, but as their name suggests, they are the largest species of cuttlefish in the world. Even so, they still only reach about 1 meter (3 feet) at most.
Despite being able to put on impressive displays of color, they are in fact colorblind. However, it's believed that they are one of the few animals capable of seeing polarized light. (That in itself, is a very polarizing view.)
These particular cephalopods maybe not be especially cuddly, but as their name suggests, they are the largest species of cuttlefish in the world. Even so, they still only reach about 1 meter (3 feet) at most.
Despite being able to put on impressive displays of color, they are in fact colorblind. However, it's believed that they are one of the few animals capable of seeing polarized light. (That in itself, is a very polarizing view.)