Best damn response I ever seen to someone who refused to believe that the Holocaust happen:
The person was a black woman we were on a gray hound bus she was the seat in front of me talking to a man next to her. See she kept going on about how it is all bullshit that Jewish people lied to make it all seem worse than it really was and so on.
Finally after hearing her the guy sitting across the row from me tapped her on the shoulder he says “ O YEAH I heard about that. You know I also heard slavery was bullshit as well yeah it was a conspiracy to have modern black people gain money and sympathy when truth was that the slaves wanted to work for their way to America so being poor they sold their self and their own family members to come to America.”
She of course blew up “WTFUCK DID YOU SAY MOTHER FUCKER!!!...”
Before she could say more he said “Yeah how does it feel? My grandmother was in a camp you DAMN BITCH SHE WATCHED HER OWN MOTHER BE KILLED IN FRONT OF HER SO SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!”
Honestly it made her shut the fuck up lol which I was really glad for because it was around 1am when she decided to have this deep discussion about something she know jack shit about. I honestly almost applaud the man.
Best part was the next stop she demanded to get off but it wasn’t that kind of stop. It was just a minute stop where we stay on the bus and the bus driver just signs a paper hands it to someone and than we leave.
But she INSISTED it was her stop SO he said ok LEAVE!! Lol
She got her shit and left. Than he announced to the bus we was at Blank city and she was supposed to go to Blank city lol totally different place that was not even in the right state.
The person was a black woman we were on a gray hound bus she was the seat in front of me talking to a man next to her. See she kept going on about how it is all bullshit that Jewish people lied to make it all seem worse than it really was and so on.
Finally after hearing her the guy sitting across the row from me tapped her on the shoulder he says “ O YEAH I heard about that. You know I also heard slavery was bullshit as well yeah it was a conspiracy to have modern black people gain money and sympathy when truth was that the slaves wanted to work for their way to America so being poor they sold their self and their own family members to come to America.”
She of course blew up “WTFUCK DID YOU SAY MOTHER FUCKER!!!...”
Before she could say more he said “Yeah how does it feel? My grandmother was in a camp you DAMN BITCH SHE WATCHED HER OWN MOTHER BE KILLED IN FRONT OF HER SO SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!”
Best part was the next stop she demanded to get off but it wasn’t that kind of stop. It was just a minute stop where we stay on the bus and the bus driver just signs a paper hands it to someone and than we leave.
But she INSISTED it was her stop SO he said ok LEAVE!! Lol
She got her shit and left. Than he announced to the bus we was at Blank city and she was supposed to go to Blank city lol totally different place that was not even in the right state.