I don't wanna sound like a dirty hippie but unless you sweat a lot throughout the day (because of exercise or if it's hot outside), you can shower once every two days and it's actually healthier for your skin. Stripping it of its natural oils every day isn't healthy either, it dries up your skin and then you have to make up for it with moisturizers and stuff. Especially now in lockdown, if you've spent the whole day in pyjamas working from home and haven't gone out or worked out, it's not necessary to shower every day. If you really insist on showering every day, you can just skip the soap every other day. Also topping off your hot shower with a few seconds of cold water rules and is good for your immune system ^^
· 4 years ago
I totally agreed with everything you said here until the last sentence. I mean, you're absolutely right, science gives you a high five for accuracy, but I'd do anything for an strong immune system, but I won't do that <-- Meat Loaf song reference because I'm very old...
Ha ha, good Meatloaf reference. I'm a youngling and I haven't witnesses his career per se but I know him from Rocky Horror Picture Show.
And yeah, that's totally understandable, it takes some getting used to. I like it because (apart from the health benefits of course) you're not cold when you exit the shower, you actually feel warm because the air is warmer than the water on your skin, but I fully understand not wanting to do it. I don't do it when I wash my hair either, because long hair soaked with ice cold water is just the worst thing.
Edited 4 years ago
· 4 years ago
Well, the fresh draught adenochrome does all that for me, plus the bitter-sweet taste goes so well with Vodka... oops, did I write that out loud?
And yeah, that's totally understandable, it takes some getting used to. I like it because (apart from the health benefits of course) you're not cold when you exit the shower, you actually feel warm because the air is warmer than the water on your skin, but I fully understand not wanting to do it. I don't do it when I wash my hair either, because long hair soaked with ice cold water is just the worst thing.