Ah, yes. Of course. Everyone knows that any story with a male protagonist is inherently sexist. Obviously.
· 4 years ago
This posting is by "Wild Wild Seth @SpikeReed", a very male black guy whose twitter motto is "I see the beauty in all women... with big tits.." followed by his hashtag #JustCauseMyPreferenceIsWhiteWomenDoesntMeanIDontLikeBlacksToo
Yep, the guy's apparently a social justice warrior spreading toxic femininity...
As a rule, y'all should consider extreme feminazi or any apparently clueless feminist posting to be trolls. Usually takes only a few seconds google to find that out.
Yep, the guy's apparently a social justice warrior spreading toxic femininity...
As a rule, y'all should consider extreme feminazi or any apparently clueless feminist posting to be trolls. Usually takes only a few seconds google to find that out.