Feelings have always overruled facts, and to pretend otherwise is delusional. There is no such thing as a prelapsarian perfect world where everything was driven by facts. I like Ricky but the implication of his statement, that feelings overruling facts is a somewhat recent development and not something that existed since the dawn of mankind, is fucking mental. We all are driven by emotions, we have biases we are not even aware of, we twist facts to suit our feelings and it has never been and probably never will be the other way around. Sorry to be all doom and gloom but I'm not enough of an optimist to believe humans are capable of objective factual thinking.
· 4 years ago
Nearly fully agree. Point is, we are capable, but we're only willing to do it as long as it doesn't concern any matter we're emotionally involved in.
This "facts beat feelings" routine was brought up by right-wingers to argue against anyone who feels insulted by what they say. Ironically, they often argue from wrong facts ("There are only two genders, read a book!" - yeah, like how about reading a science book after 1955) ) and literally every single Magamaniac and Trumpist in general hates facts like facts raped their entire family and pets while wallowing in their feelings of lost privileges and stolen elections.
I guess I'm more of a pessimist because I think one almost never has the "full story" and as a result is hardly capable of making a truly objective decision, but that's arguing philosophy, and I do strongly agree that objectivity is much more likely to be thrown out the window if it's in a matter one is emotionally involved in.
It is true that nowadays the "facts over feelings" crowd is mostly right wing, but anyone who takes time to think about what they say will realize that it's just window dressing and that their actual argumentation is just as feelings based, if not more, than left wingers'. "Two genders", "free speech but legal punishment for flag burning", "we're all about the cold hard facts but don't offend my religious sensibilities" etc. Again, not that left wingers are significantly less emotional in their arguments, but at least they don't pretend to be.
This "facts beat feelings" routine was brought up by right-wingers to argue against anyone who feels insulted by what they say. Ironically, they often argue from wrong facts ("There are only two genders, read a book!" - yeah, like how about reading a science book after 1955) ) and literally every single Magamaniac and Trumpist in general hates facts like facts raped their entire family and pets while wallowing in their feelings of lost privileges and stolen elections.
It is true that nowadays the "facts over feelings" crowd is mostly right wing, but anyone who takes time to think about what they say will realize that it's just window dressing and that their actual argumentation is just as feelings based, if not more, than left wingers'. "Two genders", "free speech but legal punishment for flag burning", "we're all about the cold hard facts but don't offend my religious sensibilities" etc. Again, not that left wingers are significantly less emotional in their arguments, but at least they don't pretend to be.