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· 4 years ago
Oh no, please don’t tell me this game’s bad
· 4 years ago
I dunno, too broke to get it.
· 4 years ago
It has its issues, and the last-gen consoles are struggling to run it well. But it is ambitious as all get out, and has great characters and a compelling story.
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· 4 years ago
Well it's a good thing I can't afford it then or I would have bought it on my xbox 1
· 4 years ago
I just remembered it's on stadia... Now I'm no longer at peace
· 4 years ago
Honestly, I have it Xbox One and it isn't as bad as people are making it out to be. It's not perfect, and they definitely need to do some patching to improve visual quality, but it is playable. At least for me it is.
· 4 years ago
*cries in broke bihh*
· 4 years ago
I've noticed some bugs, dialogue from a character without mouth moving and a shootout without sound of the gun firing, but i'm sure that there will be patches.
· 4 years ago
I've noticed that I obviously have a money spending problem
· 4 years ago
i have the problem that if i contemplate buying something, i regret not buying it. So if i find myself thinking whether i should or shouldn't, I just purchase and live with the consequences later.
· 4 years ago
Thank you for enabling me, and making me feel less bad about myself
· 4 years ago
nothing wrong with spending on yourself, the problem is when you buy for someone else to "win" their favour
· 4 years ago
Nah I buy stuff for other people cause i know they'd like it. Got my dad the first season of dbz, and my brother two drinking glasses, with naruto and sasuke on them. I kinda overdid it on Christmas shopping with other stuff.
· 4 years ago
Just waiting for the pirated copy to be available so I can download it and run it on low settings on my laptop