Lol. I've been asked by Australians why me and my friend are arguing so much with each other when we were really just talking. I don't hear it though :D
I once was the only German working on an aircraft together with non-german speaking French and Swedish mechanics and when I started swearing at the problem in front of me, people started backing up slowly and considerably worried about their physical health.
@mrfahrenheit well just think of this as the third Reich 2, where everyone's German eventually, and your opinion doesn't matter
Besides there's worse people to get confused with than f__kyeahhamburg
Me, for example
I guess what you mean is Sosse or Soße, it's basically the word for gravy. Tunke and Stippe are pretty old fashioned and/or local/colloquial. In Austria it's pretty common I guess, I found it pretty often when checking on Austrian recipes. .
Aww honey I'm sorry I didn't wanna laugh at you. I'm super impressed by your german!! Honestly!
Though yes, you'd rather say Soße than Tunke. I just found it a bit funny necause the only thing I call Tunke is the fluid you batik (or dip) dye your shirts in. Like, Batiktunke.
Sorry for laughing!
That's okay. Thank you for your explanation. I did think about using 'Soße,' but I thought it wasn't German-sounding enough, if you can believe my logic.
Can people pitch in with specific insults/mean slang from their country, translated if needed? I'll start with "if morons were launched in orbit, you wouldn't stop spinning" and the recent "Go eat the race of your dead".
Men stick och brinn, din förbannade jävla inkompetenta skitstövel!
Aprox translation ; Go catch fire, you fuckingly fucking incompetent shitboot!
· 4 years ago
German curses are pretty bland and boring. They usually refer to body fluids and feces. It's not exactly an art here. "Fuck" has become pretty much a standard curse in general.
Not true, maybe you are just in the wrong circles @darkness_within.
My favourites are Klappspaten (folding spade) and Flachwichser (shallow wanker), Honk (short for Hauptschüler ohne nennenswerte Kenntnisse = student of the "lowest" type of school with no mentionable knowledge) , Arschgeige (ass violin)and "dumm wie drei Meter Feldweg" (stupid like 3 meters of dirt road).
Some more creative but less commonly used ones are Herr lass hirn regnen - oder Steine, Hauptsache du triffst (Lord make it rain brain - or rocks, as long as you hit), Du hast von der Suppe der Weisheit mit der Gabel gegessen (you've eaten from the soup of wisdom with a fork). And I'll ponder some more.
Okay while I don't wanna steal this comment thread, I did have a quick brainstorming with @demryn and his parents and here are the results:
Flachzange (flat pliers), Vollpfosten (full post), Knallerbse (bang pea), Der hat doch nicht alle Tassen im Schrank (he doesn't have all the mugs in the cupboard), Der hat doch den Arsch offen (he has his ass open), am Arsch hängt der Hammer (at the ass hangs the hammer), ich glaub es hackt (i think it chops)
Sivistystoimen puolivuotisraportti 2020
I think f__kyeahhamburg is German
Besides there's worse people to get confused with than f__kyeahhamburg
Me, for example
Though yes, you'd rather say Soße than Tunke. I just found it a bit funny necause the only thing I call Tunke is the fluid you batik (or dip) dye your shirts in. Like, Batiktunke.
Sorry for laughing!
It's an old English insult, but no-one in modern times knows exactly what it means
Aprox translation ; Go catch fire, you fuckingly fucking incompetent shitboot!
My favourites are Klappspaten (folding spade) and Flachwichser (shallow wanker), Honk (short for Hauptschüler ohne nennenswerte Kenntnisse = student of the "lowest" type of school with no mentionable knowledge) , Arschgeige (ass violin)and "dumm wie drei Meter Feldweg" (stupid like 3 meters of dirt road).
Flachzange (flat pliers), Vollpfosten (full post), Knallerbse (bang pea), Der hat doch nicht alle Tassen im Schrank (he doesn't have all the mugs in the cupboard), Der hat doch den Arsch offen (he has his ass open), am Arsch hängt der Hammer (at the ass hangs the hammer), ich glaub es hackt (i think it chops)
"Cunt" is a term of endearment in England...