Harsh... not entirely untrue even if some of it is debatable. But really... any meaning we assign things is subjective, there is what is and what is not observable and reproducible reliably. So yes. Your name is a construct, your identity is a construct, reality probably isn’t strictly speaking a construct from our perspective, but our perspective rove of reality is a construct. Names are “made up” and astrology is “made up” but one is a system to designate an entity while another is a belief system. It doesn’t matter what you call an apple so long as most everyone agrees that is what an apple should be called. While a name can be used to describe something or its purpose, the name doesn’t define or alter the thing. Peter the Weak doesn’t become weak because you changed his name. Astrology doesn’t merely label items or phenomenon- or attempts to describe a functioning of a material nature that isn’t supported by logical or scientific methods presently. So some things are...
In simple terms.... more “made up”’than others. Systems of belief don’t follow the same logic as names. A system of belief doesn’t necessarily describe an observable entity which continues to exist without inherent change regardless of your observation. That doesn’t mean all systems of belief are false. It means that even if you don’t call “Paul” “Paul”, The entity continues to exist fundamentally
Unchanged, we can observe him and confirm he exists as much as we can confirm any person does.
The nihilism is strong with this one
Unchanged, we can observe him and confirm he exists as much as we can confirm any person does.