The point of the post is that, rather than just wishing something to happen, you put in the effort to *make* it happen. So, rather than saying "I wish I wasn't broke", you say "I will work hard and better myself so that eventually I'm not broke anymore".
True. But it’s still phrased as nonsense. There’s a fine line when it comes to “well... they said this but they obviously meant this...” and things like a tweet exist largely in a vacuum of direct context. They’re open to interpretation based on the perspective of the reader even if we assume that a certain audience will intuit what specifically we mean. Motivational speech is quite often nonsense. Nonsense intended to evoke a positive result- but wether the intent is positive or not- these illogical sentiments are by nature manipulative, and often are more self serving than to the service of others. The feeling that we have done something positive by motivating others, to make ourselves feel good.
Ultimately- in a brutal and practical sense we can take the “bootstraps” view of things- that all problems or almost all problems of almost all people can be remodeled with self determination and hard work. I don’t subscribe to that ad a rule- but for arguments sake here let’s agree on the logic. If making ones wish come true is simply a matter of bettering themselves or their circumstances- wishing for more money is less likely to lead to more money than working. But we run in to two problems there. 1. Some very hard working people- some of the hardest in the world who may work 12,14+ hours a day and have multiple jobs without any benefits or protections- are also often some of the poorest people.
So work isn’t enough alone. Work must obviously be applied in such a fashion to produce the desired results. That brings us to major problem 2: inherent potential. Some people are smarter than others. Some people have more skill, more energy, more focus etc. some measure of this is inherent. No scientist or army or anyone had found a way to take a person beyond their own limits. I challenge to you take an adult with an IQ of 50 and through only answering the questions they ask and not instructing- make them a CEO or an astronaut. Possible. Unlikely. But part 2 of the challenge would be do it with 100 adults of IQ 50 and get better than 50%.
Very unlikely. So ultimately, this self betterment to solve ones own problems, relies on that person having the capabilities to even seek that betterment let alone do it. There is that we know, that we know we do not know, and that which we do not even know that we do not know- the things we have no knowledge of. We can take for granted that in a given situation we, or what we assume to be a basically functioning person, would be able to find the means to better our circumstances- but what of when a person doesn’t even know where to start?
Furthering the point- what if they do know, or are told, but they lack the strength, ambition, discipline- to do so? All one (of somewhat reasonable age and health) must do to have an “amazing physique” is eat a set menu and do a few exercises. Yet- the world is not full of amazing beach bodies as it is people who WISH they had such things no? But it is so simple. At the simplest- weight loss involves merely not eating. You can not eat for over a week and not die. Yet.... it isn’t quite that simple to lose weight.
Beyond discipline or ability or will- things which we can’t really quantify and don’t have a way to instill or summon- but do know from observation that different people have different abilities to summon and manifest them, and seemingly different limits to what they have in reserve....
We have the simple fact that all things are a sacrifice. You will trade one thing for another. Many parents wish to do things they cannot- because they have a child. However.... that is a manifestation of priority. They (in some way or another- except in cases like assault) made a choice to have a child. They may wish they could still do things like they did before the kid- but they likely don’t want to not have the kid. So there isn’t really a “will” there- the two things, living like you have no kids, and having kids, are largely mutually exclusive unless you have others care for them and effectively do not have kids beyond in a genetic sense.
So I mean... I get what you are saying here. And yes, they likely mean to inspire a sense of self determination- the “no excuses” school of thought- but largely that’s what a “wish” is. It’s a thing which we would want if there were no strings attached. A person who “wishes they never had to go to work again” could easily solve that problem by quitting their job and never working again. It’s the consequences of that they do not want. If we expand the wish: “wish I didn’t have to work, but that I could live to the material standards I am at or better...” well... they could work really hard to achieve that- but they’d be what? Doing a lot of work. Which is the thing they don’t want to do. So then- doing work to avoid work. It’s all nonsense is my point.
I've always known you were always kinda extra, but I think your wish was too efficient and doomed us all... can you re contact your genie and ask them to dead you, but not others until their time has gone?
Yeah I don't see this ending up well.
well, that's promising