I have no problem with people selling stuff in store lots but what I hate is when they have kids selling candy and the kids obviously are the only one selling because the parents think people will buy from the kids.
Sell your own damn candy don’t make your kids do it in 90+ heat.
Now if I see an adult doing it as his kids help I might buy if I can. That shows a family working together to make themselves better way of life. But if I see an adult and their kids are not helping I will Buy one even if I can’t really afford it. Because that shows me they are out there for their kids not using their kids for them selfs.
I’m all for it. Just don’t harass anyone or block l/impede things- take up a space in a crowded lot for hours. Food bought from randos in a parking lot is either going to be some of the best food of your life- or you just unknowingly married your toilet friend. But- I figure that’s a choice people should be free to make.
Sell your own damn candy don’t make your kids do it in 90+ heat.
Now if I see an adult doing it as his kids help I might buy if I can. That shows a family working together to make themselves better way of life. But if I see an adult and their kids are not helping I will Buy one even if I can’t really afford it. Because that shows me they are out there for their kids not using their kids for them selfs.