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· 4 years ago
As an executive leader, he falls short. As a Stewart if the interests of the American nation and people- he fails all but a small band. As a person- that’s subjective. I don’t think much of him. But- I must be fair and say that if we wanted to- we can find pictures of almost anyone that look kinda like something Hitler once was photographed doing. We can find similar or identical quotes to Hitler from most politicians- because successful politicking and public speaking aren’t drawn on ideology or political spectrum. Politicians tend to speak like politicians. As bad as I think he is for us and the world, as much as I dislike him- comparing him to Adolf Hitler in this way my only eroded the severity of what Hitler did and stood for, but it is just propaganda. There are hundreds plus legitimate terrible things in his administration and life that require no comparison- just objectivity.
· 4 years ago
But to be clear- Hitler was a leftist, and was TECHNICALLY progressive in many ways outside race/nationalism. He rose to power through propaganda, word of mouth, Stirring “grass roots” speaking, and appealing to dissatisfaction with the established government. We need to remember the dangers of ideology and words, not simply compare people we dislike or don’t agree with blindly to Hitler as the default “racist badguy.”
· 4 years ago
When it comes to axis leaders anyway- I’d peg him more as a Mussolini. Incompetent to dangerous levels and reliant on every one around him, a right winger who leans to fascism; whom without constant checks and balances would already have broken the constitutional ideals more so in his belief his office should carry absolute power. Trump rides on nationalism, economics, ending chaos. His behavior has more in common with iL Duce than it does with Hitler. And while he’s not openly Arian- he is fine having a base he serves being literal (neo) Nazis- so IF we insist on a comparison, that’s the one I’d use for WW2 Axis leaders.
· 4 years ago
Also Trump can’t pull off the little mustache.
· 4 years ago
Lol. No. I don’t think so. But- he manages to get taken pretty seriously with that hair, and I would have bet against that just on looks- so perhaps he could pull it off. I just don’t want to know where he would get the hair to comb over into a mustache.