I mean, if it WORKS. An Assassin's job is to kill their target with as little fuss as possible. Guarantee if the male assassins could seduce 90% of their marks, they would take advantage of that at least some of the time
I was talking to a secret squirrel type guy about popular depictions of assassins, particularly how the cold, impersonal, highly efficient ones are the scariest of all. He says that those are the real life killers. No fancy plots or bullshittery, they've already got a crosshair on your chest, or they pump you full of lead in a public restroom, or they disable your CO2 detector, and nobody will ever know until they're already thousands of miles away.
There's a rule I've formulated from watching films: if you really need to kill someone, do it ASAFP
Don't hesitate even for a second
Gosh damn, I'd really like to take you two out to a pub and have a heckin' good chat
When you take on a mission, you need to decide on what steps to take to maximize success, minimize risk, and avoid negative reactions.
In a military standpoint, our go-to battle drill is sudden and overwhelming force against an unsuspecting hostile that you drastically outnumber. Preferably while they are in the open, asleep, and apart from their weapons.
Some movie assassins are like Hollywood samurai, one-on-one give your opponent a blade and allow the better warrior to walk away.
If I want somebody dead for real? I'll get them in a bathroom, from a different zipcode, through a proxy, or some variation thereof or otherwise. All that matters that I accomplished my mission with minimal repercussion to me and mine.
Guess we have the same rule.
Here's an overview of the subject, supposedly from a state perspective. Found it while looking for a series of books about an assassin who specializes in making them look like natural causes.(John Rain in books written by Barry Eisler)
Well to me it depends. Basic seduction like hey bewbs and it works will never get me, but a carefully crafted approach where she studies the target, becomes everything they research for in another person, makes them believe in a lie and then starts shifting it to destroy them like a clinical narcissistic pervert, I'm here for it.
Don't hesitate even for a second
Gosh damn, I'd really like to take you two out to a pub and have a heckin' good chat
In a military standpoint, our go-to battle drill is sudden and overwhelming force against an unsuspecting hostile that you drastically outnumber. Preferably while they are in the open, asleep, and apart from their weapons.
Some movie assassins are like Hollywood samurai, one-on-one give your opponent a blade and allow the better warrior to walk away.
If I want somebody dead for real? I'll get them in a bathroom, from a different zipcode, through a proxy, or some variation thereof or otherwise. All that matters that I accomplished my mission with minimal repercussion to me and mine.
Guess we have the same rule.