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· 4 years ago
The logic checks out. Performing sexual acts with a man doesn’t make another man gay- homosexuality requires attraction, kinda like how a person can eat a Vegan ”burger” and not be vegan. So one can participate in a homosexual act without BEING homosexual- “gay for pay” and “rent boys” are examples there, or certain other homo erotic activities like many sports. One might say watching big strong guys in spandex try and dominate one another while obsessing over their physical prowess and grip strength and ball control and such could be scrutinized a certain way... but of course- the major factor is sexual attraction and arousal no?
· 4 years ago
Don't worry Harry I'm guarding your closet door. It's absolutely heterosexual to wonder at these men, spending hours looking at their ding-dongs and fantasize about being part of such a solid team.
· 4 years ago
Lol. I’m just saying- folks like to talk until you talk about them.
· 4 years ago
Sleeping with girls is gay because they like boys. Sleeping with men is straight because they like girls